
I’m definitely not a fan of these vertically designed consoles. Most shelves simply can’t accommodate electronics that are that tall so it seems odd to keep moving this direction.

I’d argue that what most people wanted was a campaign focused game like Black Flag that had no AC storyline and instead more pirate stuff.

Was it not? Not sure if I’ve heard that before. Could be.

Well, TBF, it was basically born out of AC Black Flag. 

Official release. It took about a year, but the game now has online co-op (there is no official local co-op). The game really is a lot of fun in co-op.

[potential spoilers]

Nah, he’s scum and doesn’t get any benefit of the doubt. I can’t assume he re-homed it properly at all. Given his track record I have serious doubts.

You are saying much of the same stuff I said in a follow up reply. I don’t think you need to get deep in the weeds on mechanics details or follow a complete walk through.

Already answered your question in my post along with my response to your position.

My decision to purchase or not will be based on the game alone. The same way I decide to purchase almost anything. My view, especially for products like this that involve hundreds of people, is that there is always going to someone involved with whom I don’t agree on something. If that’s the basis for making a

I think the key to reading up on builds or whatever is to not get lost in the weeds. There are a lot of details about mechanics you may not need to actually understand to successfully use a build or some hard to get artifact you can skip if you aren’t going for the ultimate min/max and just want to get through your

I have a friend that did with ER. He quit right after beating the fire giant. I tried urging him to finish because he was so tantalizingly close to the end, but he insisted he was done and hasn’t gone back. His interest simply ran out.

Come on, man. Everyone knew it was Souls in an open world. Sure, it offers more to explore and often more paths to choose, but it is still a Souls game on how it plays. That was never a secret.

I’ve spent 400h on this game, have yet to beat it, and honestly, reading about all these min/max meta stuff won’t lead you anywhere.

Realistically it could go either way, but the latter is what would likely happen assuming CoD is still relevant 10 years from now.  

So an artist talented enough to be sought after by one of the biggest game studios in the world should just reduce their wages to “average” because that’s the only option some other people have? Get real.

So you think the work we artists do is fun and jolly the whole time? That it doesn’t equate to the “work” you, as an “average person”, does? Because it’s Art it’s not hard work? STFU with that.

You probably get to go home after work and not think about your job. Because all of that is done for you.

It’s called ‘skilled labor’. When you spend years and decades honing a craft you should be paid more for it. It extends to art. Illustration is, believe it or not, a “Real” job

contract work is much different than a regular job. Yes, it’s typically more per hour, but there can be times where you aren’t working between contracts where you are making 0 income’