
Agreed. The artist says “weeks of work”, but that is exactly what the average person has to do for that same money.

People always bring up some of the old cartridge games, but those insane prices were due almost entirely to the cost of hardware storage at the time. That cost is nil these days.

Most of that barely qualifies as true shorthand.  That’s just folks being dirty.

Oh... I guess I misinterpreted what my friend said then when he stated the "last" one was good.  

I quit on it near the end too. Most of the episodes are terribly slow with a couple of decent ones mixed in. I would have quit on it much earlier if it didn’t have “Star Wars” in the title. A friend of mine (a huge Star Wars buff and also not much impressed) stuck it out to the end and said the final episode was

AYSM? That wasn’t even an insult. Good grief.

He has a point though.  More business means more cash flow. It does make you a bigger target.  But, sure, focus on that first sentence you didn’t like.

Sure, you can leave. But if you already established a new benchmark (the game tracks how far you’ve been) before you realized what was happening the damage is done. Plus, these item were everywhere by the time I quit playing the game. It was difficult to even play a public game without encountering these items.

Depends on how you view it. If, for example, you’re trying to see how far you can get in rifts and then someone breaks out a hacked item and starts cleaning house it does kind of ruin your experience. I do think that since they ended up scrapping PvP it’s not AS egregious, but the game does have public games and

Maybe. I’m just pointing out that they were correct. Having an offline mode and saves created a back door that was exploited.

The back door was the console version that had an offline mode.

In the end they weren’t wrong though. D3 ended up being flooded with hacked items.

Button remapping should be a standard OS level function.  Not something tied to expensive controllers.

I guess I didn’t realize how good some of the Chess engines have gotten.  I wouldn’t have thought they would be good enough to assist a WC player.

How do world class players cheat at Chess?  Are they being fed optimal moves from a supercomputer or something?

Or he was just angry because he thought she cheated, confronted her with that accusation, and none of that is going to happen. And keep in mind this alleged (and, yes, there is a lot of doubt here) threat happened during the event. We also don’t know the nature of the threat. You’re making biased assumptions.

Yes, absolutely. If she isn’t guilty of anything why give it back? Especially after she already outed his behavior publicly. What does she have to fear here? I’d tell that asshole to go fuck himself.

It is very different. It was a victim of Sega’s past failures with the SegaCD, 32X, and Saturn combined with facing the juggernaut Sony created with the original PlayStation. The system itself wasn’t a blunder. It just came after the damage was done.

Sounds like Google handled this terribly internally and with developers, but this has been obviously coming for quite a while now.  

The memories… The PlayStation really re-energized my love of gaming. I was still sporadically playing my 16-bit consoles, but I had reached a point where gaming was on the back burner as far as pastimes went.