
This is impressive, really impressive. I hope that the camerman is OK. I got hit by a ricochet .357 years ago and still have a hernia from it.

Wait wait wait, so this player is being threatened with a felony for doing ‘pump-myself-up’ stuff at the stadium on the way to the field?

Finally a Raiders headline about an off the field issue!

Bandit: Ray-Ray never imagined he would be the one...

Why inflict then on Indiana? Does Indiana have enough problems?

Further lending credence to my theory that sexual masochism in men is the exclusive province of the monied. No one wants to work at some factory all day, take a bus an hour each way and then get whipped by a stranger.

WADA is a great swimming magazine. Their sister publication, C-MENT is also great if you’re into auto racing.’s green tea.


It wasn’t the center fuel tank. TWA 800 was the incident that shattered my trust in our government and I’ve never looked back. I was relatively closely involved to the incident in that a family friend flew that same plane on that same route for years, and while he wasn’t on that flight he knew every member of the

A similar incident occurred in 1985 with Japan Airlines Flight 123. The 747SR had a tailstrike seven years before the crash occurred, and it was repaired in faulty manner. When the repair finally gave way, the explosive decompression severed the jet’s flight controls and the vertical stabilizer broke off, dooming the

I found that highly suspect as well. He was probably doing some n00b shit like being too rough with the clit and she pissed on him to make him stop.

I hope she just literally peed on him because he’s the worst.

Elvira but nary a mention of Vampira!? The nervvvvve.

Yeah. Here is hoping his wife and boss both see the video by the end of the weekend. Bonus points if he was using a work phone to take the video.

My hope is that his wife sees it and he catches HELL for it.

Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.

I have this particular magic trick. It involves a single strand of silk ( in the case of the ball two, one top and one bottom) stuck to the ball quickly with a beeswax type substance. I used it for office presentations. The LV magic shops all have it.

As a director, I have to sympathize with the poor crews that sit in a control room ‘in New York’ or wherever, trying to stay awake, just so they can be ready to throw talent on the air in 15 seconds even when they don’t know what the fuck is going on. It was bad enough working at a CBS affiliate during the ‘old days’

My favorite part was when Joe Buck broke into the international announcing booth, clubbed Matt Vasgerian to death, and then started broadcasting from there.