I have an equivalent story, though not as daring.
I have an equivalent story, though not as daring.
Being from California, this story blows my mind.
This reminds me of a story I can tell. I didn’t get in trouble, which is why I need to respond to your story. :-D
I think putting Bill Cosby and Deen’s stories together makes an interesting compare/contrast media experience. Both men used their positions of power to take full advantage of women beneath them. One was publicly beloved as a family man character, while the other was a porn star - as contrasting as they come. (did I…
Utah blogger.
No, yes.
GSW fan here.
I turned on the end of that game when AZ was on their last scoring drive, and the play that took them to the 1 yd line looked like the ball was snapped after play clock had run out. I had no idea why no one said anything, but it seemed clear that as the play clock wound down, Carson Palmer tried to hike the ball, and…
To me this reeks of an inside job. I’m sure I’m not alone in the experience where, when tracking a package, you discover that its status has become “DELIVERED,” yet you have not seen the package.
Not just anything, but COKE dumped on a child. You know you can clean your toilet with that stuff, right?
I had this exact discussion with myself over 10 years ago, because I’m over 40. I no longer own flannel shirts, period. Pajamas, yes; scarf, one... but otherwise I have successfully eradicated flannel from my closet. In its place I have undershirts, lightweight pullovers, and windbreaking jackets.
They did the same thing to our campus, but only the campus, not the surrounding perimeter. What this also did was give the custodial staff the job of getting rid of all the outdoor ashtrays that were established when indoor smoking was banned. Now, at every public entrance to the campus, you can find tons of butts on…
....not “kind of way hopped up on something that’s not booze or weed”?
SRSLY - my twittter was all “hey, can we always get this international broadcast? I like this!” Plus it took like 20 minutes for Buck and Reynolds to figure out, hey lets go next door to the international booth. I am dying to see video footage of how that musical chairs went down.
I love this one.
Whoa. What I am wondering is why the footprints begin at the backdoor but no footprints outside. Also whether or not anything was stolen/missing.
I wonder how many other relatively new parents experience this. I want to say when my son was that age, he would occasionally ask us questions that seemed nonsensical to us, but he was asking as sincerely as a 2-3 year old can. My wife’s family is very sensitive to seeing ghosts (multiple times in different cities,…
I had handled too many objects once owned by dead people over the last week to even consider documenting or thinking about it. It probably wasn’t real anyway.
I thought it was about the wacky journey of two old friends, who happen to be an odd couple of droids.