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    When I was a teen, everyone wanted one of Michael Jackson’s too-many-zippers-all-over, red leather(?) jacket too. I imagine they cost a similar expense in 1980s money.

    I just want to thank you for pointing out the pure awesomeness that was Airwolf.

    As an Old, let me say this: before George Lucas claimed the movies were about Anakin/Vader, they were about C3P0 and R2D2. They are the only characters present in all six films. I feel like the prequels got away from this. But even before the prequels, we used to complain that ROTJ was the same movie as A New Hope:

    I kinda wish the ethnicities of these people were exposed. I feel like I can tell which ones are white privilege vs ghetto “make it the way I like it (as cheaply/free as possible)”-style ordering.

    That would be a murder of crows, and an unkindness* of Ravens.

    Really affluent, wealthy, white people.

    To all the people saying “yeah yeah, but IF they had lost this game on that play it wouldn’t have been wrong.”

    I bought a Nintendo Wii U about a year ago, after not having a console since PSX (that’s “Playstation One” for you youngsters). My 5-year-old son loves to play Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros, and his favorite game is an old Wii game from 2006, MLB Nicktoons baseball. I bought my wife the Wii U Fit, hoping she

    Yeah but Robert Zemekis.

    re: The first time you hook it up

    Indeed - it worked on me about 7-8 years ago, about the time I started getting MLB Network at home. I don’t miss it.

    We’re a bunch of kids out there running around and having fun at each other’s expense.”

    At age 42, I’m fairly proud that I am still tattoo-less. However if I wanted to have a field day with this topic, I’d take my camera to Water World, which is like Bad Tattoo Valhalla.

    Wasn’t that actually the premise of Frank Miller’s sequel “Dark Knight Strikes Again”? Lex Luthor’s holographic US president ends human reliance on fossil fuels by hiding Superman somewhere in a hamster wheel? It’s been awhile.

    You absolutely have to include Nike/Air Jordan on this topic. They put out old version of shoes at modern price-points, and among other things, their fanbase will actually kill another person to steal their shoes.

    That hat/shirt combo in the twitter pic is so 1997.

    re: philanthropy -

    Ooooh boy, I been to that one. Except groom had to sit in a chair while bride sang him a song. It was so off-key/outta-tune, after a few verses, people started clapping.... and then came another verse. People clapped after that one too. ...then came another. Groom wears goofy-ass grin the whole time - or maybe he was

    I was in a band with a guy who, after gigs if we went out to eat, would always order the chicken-fried steak. I think we were together in the band over two years before one particular night, when he and another bandmate get into this conversation about diets; chicken-fried steak guy says he doesn’t eat red meat. We

    (Raiders fan here) I don’t think it has to do so much with the stadium as it has to do with the fact that the Niners built their stadium first (albeit, a terrible one), and that they debuted a black uniform variant this year.