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    I think, as a person who works at a university, this sentence did not get the love it deserves:

    Local A’s fan here, and all the sports radio guys (on A’s station) are wondering why the hell the A’s brass can’t figure out how to do this game. Call up Zito, but a week after his minor league season/career was over, call him to replace injured started, tell him he’ll only be reliever.

    Beast Mom!

    While I own a Chromecast but don’t use it that much, I’m more shocked that letting your party guests add whatever they want to the music playlist is an acceptable thing nowadays. Then again, I’m over 40 and I own vinyl records, so it’s probably just me.

    While I own a Chromecast but don’t use it that much, I’m more shocked that letting your party guests add whatever

    This story makes a guy think the XFL wasn’t such a bad idea after all. At least Vince McMahon is upfront about being ‘sports entertainment’.

    At first I didn’t really get it either, my kid does the same thing. But I realize Minecraft is sorta the “perfect storm” for this watch-then-play behavior - if you don’t know what to do, watch other kids do it on YT and learn that way.

    Take more pictures.

    Maybe they didn’t take it apart all the way, and there’s some Mexican drugs in there.

    Kids these days - using spray paint against a house??? As the son of a licensed painting contractor, I would kick them off my lawn so hard, they’d shiver with fear from my judgmental finger-waggling.

    This was great. I loved seeing the different jeepneys in Ortigas, rode one a couple times. Now you should do the custom trikes that are like cabbies.

    I kinda stopped reading at “as a blog writer of sorts on Facebook” - which of course, was the first sentence. I’m sure Susan’s FB blog has tons of comments from her friends, like “Great!” “So true!” “Thank you for writing this!” and other exclamation points.

    It’s a tumblr reference.

    Pretty sure I saw a “whip whip, watch me nae nae” in there.

    Dude, I’m a die-hard A’s fans too, but did you see the 2nd inning of that game? Did you hear what Melvin said of his team after the game? Sadsack is taking it easy on us. Hopefully, there’s ‘nowhere to go but up from here’, but I’ve been saying that since August last year.

    I got into the FF comicbooks as a kid (1980s) in part because of a big annual, special edition issue that revolved around Namor, a character that is certainly deserving of his own movie.

    Now playing

    Campy Campeneris throws his bat at Lerrin Lagrow in the 1972 ALCS, A’s and Tigers.

    I hope they all got their participation trophies.

    re: Cara and local Sacramento news interview

    Dentistry, the ADA, etc. are one tight-knit circle. My wife had to sue hers because they were essentially double-dipping - charging her insurance, getting her to sign for more insurance thru the dental office, charging them, and then charging my wife for “fees” - which grew larger over time, and especially larger when

    “Nobody goes to that restaurant any more. It’s too crowded.” - Yogi Berra