
Of course she did. Why else would you be trying so hard to look at them?

One time while driving home from Florida we (me, wife and 4 year old daughter) were heading west on I-10 somewhere past Beaumont where there is basically nothing around. My daughter says “daddy I have to go #2” and of course, there is no place in sight. After 15 minutes or so she’s crying because she has to go so bad

You’re thinking ‘yacht’ like Richard Branson. The boat I lived on was rotten and sank shortly after we left the island. We caught fish for dinner when food ran out. We had no refrigeration. I tell funny stories about childhood and people go silent after a while and I stop.

Asps. Very dangerous. You go first.

He’s a classic introvert doing a job that’s primarily for extroverts. When he’s not on-screen, he wants nothing to do with the audience. What’s changed is that he’s more comfortable with himself now that he’s gotten old and he’s more willing to relax with interviewers.

To top it off, they compared female speaking time, to Total Run Time in the trilogy. I want to know how much speaking time non Luke/Han males had, then we can start talking numbers. But they throw Total Run Time out there to show a massive number. How much time in the movies is spent looking at words, scene changes,

You left out Chewie, Artoo, Threepio, Vader, and Lando, let alone Tarkin, Palpatine, Yoda, and Ben.

I think you win, like, not getting in trouble, but you definitely have the best story.

They are actually amazing parents and I’d never trade them for anything, but divorce does nasty things to people. They are both re-married and happier than I’ve ever seen them. They also both attended my wedding 2 months ago, and got along fabulously, and no we didn’t talk about this story.

I was the last of my group of friends to turn 18, so we blew it up hard on my birthday. Cigars, the casino, lots of booze purchased for us by an older sibling. It was awesome. I received a lot of fun presents, and some were gag gifts. Specifically, a friend of mine bought me a BDSM sex-toy set that consisted of

Even tree stumps stand for something, even if you sit on them.

This might come out wrong so I apologize in advance if it sounds bad.

This guy sounds like a total creep. That being said, Alessandra Ambrosio is a veteran and top earner in the modelling industry. I’d be pretty surprised if she let an owner of the magazine push her around, especially because she likely had a bunch of her own staff/handlers with her to deal with that exact kind of

I watched M&M because of this joke: Mork is sitting at a chess board mixing up the black and white pieces. When Mindy asks what is he doing he says: "Playing Supreme Court". I don't know what's sadder — that Williams is no longer with us or that joke won't play with the current make up of the court.

God that vest is a mental part of my childhood.

Fuck the porn industry! Everyone knew this—another open secret. He was apparently making women bleed on camera and getting away with it for years. The only reason ANYTHING is happening is Stoya—and that’s only because she has $$ and power in porn herself, which in itself is unusual for a woman. Rape in porn seems to

That’s an uncannily precise and comprehensive snapshot of the time. Outstanding!

Nice piece. It was great reliving a part of my childhood through your written words. I remember my entire family sitting around the T.V. watching Mork and Mindy and thinking Mork/Robin was the funniest thing to ever happen. Then, I was introduced to Richard Pryor and Steve Martin (who was very dirty in his early

What if a spaceman visited the Cunningham family and met Fonzie, the show’s popular “greaser” character? When Marshall brought his son’s idea to the Happy Days writers’ room, everybody was sure they had an epic disaster on their hands.