
Of course she did. Why else would you be trying so hard to look at them?

One time while driving home from Florida we (me, wife and 4 year old daughter) were heading west on I-10 somewhere past Beaumont where there is basically nothing around. My daughter says “daddy I have to go #2” and of course, there is no place in sight. After 15 minutes or so she’s crying because she has to go so bad

I think you win, like, not getting in trouble, but you definitely have the best story.

They are actually amazing parents and I’d never trade them for anything, but divorce does nasty things to people. They are both re-married and happier than I’ve ever seen them. They also both attended my wedding 2 months ago, and got along fabulously, and no we didn’t talk about this story.

I was the last of my group of friends to turn 18, so we blew it up hard on my birthday. Cigars, the casino, lots of booze purchased for us by an older sibling. It was awesome. I received a lot of fun presents, and some were gag gifts. Specifically, a friend of mine bought me a BDSM sex-toy set that consisted of

This might come out wrong so I apologize in advance if it sounds bad.

This guy sounds like a total creep. That being said, Alessandra Ambrosio is a veteran and top earner in the modelling industry. I’d be pretty surprised if she let an owner of the magazine push her around, especially because she likely had a bunch of her own staff/handlers with her to deal with that exact kind of

Fuck the porn industry! Everyone knew this—another open secret. He was apparently making women bleed on camera and getting away with it for years. The only reason ANYTHING is happening is Stoya—and that’s only because she has $$ and power in porn herself, which in itself is unusual for a woman. Rape in porn seems to

Those tweets seem very thirsty, to use turn a phrase the parlance of which the kids were saying in the not too distant past.

Leave it to someone from Utah to not be forthright about being married to more than one bad decision.

The NFL rakes in billions of dollars and hires people who have dedicated a career, education, MBA, etc. to run every facet of the league but it hires officials who throughout their entire existence as a sports official have been part time employees.

All I knows is, 9 year old me, watching this at a slumber party, on VHS, will never forget that shower scene with her in it.

This movie has aged better than my exes. Hi-yo!

That’s sort of the idea. It’s being dumb to make a point. It's a spoof of the pro-military fascism that pervaded many action movies of the time.

Plus NPH’s military intelligence outfit is, like, straight up Nazi. The other movies may be trash, and this might be a “terrible” adaption of the book, but it’s a great film once you get what’s really going on.

This is good Kinja.

Insert joke about how low a bar that is to clear.

I’m giving your take Blue Steel through the screen right now to cool it off. It is Stiller’s best movie by a landslide.

Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you...