
There was no SOFA post 2011, that is publicly why we withdrew. I was in Iraq for all of 2011 and was one of the last high-ranging officers to depart in December of that year. I sat on a steering committee as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement team at the US Embassy in Baghdad and I can tell you that the

Well, as a general practice, if you don’t intend to use the artifact in a scientific study, and you don’t have explicit permission to remove it from a site, most items are required to be left as you find them.

That’s not only the letter of the law, but also the spirit. There are plenty of arrowheads locked up in

The other night I’m playing with my 2 year old son. It’s just us home since Mom is out to dinner with some friends. Then when it’s time for him to go to bed. I pick him up, carry him up the stairs, and as we’re walking into his bedroom he points behind us, back towards the other completely empty and dark bedroom, and

Back in high school, I shared a bedroom with my younger brother, which was difficult because he was a frequent sleepwalker. The hardwood floors would creak when he would get up and walk out of the room. I would have to follow him and bring him back to bed at least 2-3 times a week.

About a dozen years ago when I was a grad student in anthropology, I was on a field expedition in the high mountains in the western US (for obvious reasons I can’t specify where).

This field work took us deep into the backcountry at elevations above 8,000 feet, and we had to make do with very basic survey and

When I was about 13 I slept over a friend’s house. His parents went out for the evening, leaving us alone with his older sister (think she was 15). Well she whips out this book about devil worship, witchcraft, etc. We read this chapter that said if you light 5 candles, drip the wax from the candles into a pentagram

When I was 23 I was staying overnight for the first time at a girl’s place who I had just started dating. We fell asleep and at some point during the night I rolled over to throw my arm around her and she wasn’t there.

One night I was at one of my all-time favorite bars, The Buccaneer in San Francisco. I met a girl who was expressly my type in the sense that she had red hair. We talked for awhile, and she mentioned she had just started working there recently and her shift was over. So we got some free shots at the bar, went out for

“Boston Terrier Flea Party”; canine rebellion

Time travel tip: Buy return ticket

Precog was surprised he was surprised.

I love Crispin Glover so, so much in Back. Not to put the other actors down, but he’s the heart of the film.

Pfft. You can buy a Triple F.A.T. Goose for like half of that. Which is also still too damned expensive.

I always imagined Leia should be bitter about that. “Oh, you blew up my entire planet, but God forbid lil Luke suffers. Fuck.”

But it’s not so much ‘a glimpse’ as giving his character away completely (as well as basically spelling out how the film is going to end). It would have been far more dramatically effective to have Vader’s change of heart come at the actual climax of the film rather than be revealed two-thirds of the way through.

Now playing

I...I...fuck. I can’t disagree with anything here. I...just fuck it, man. Game over. *curls up into ball, begins rocking back and forth while making a high-pitched keening noise*

I like it. Sort of like the Godfather going back to Italy before Michael takes over.

There are more ways than one for a character (Jedi or otherwise) to appear beyond their death.

Yep. Grew up with first trilogy. Had my childhood destroyed by second trilogy. Definitely reserving judgement, but the trailers have me genuinely hopeful.