
Amazing that the NFL has such detailed rules for the shit its players can wear on the field, to the point that players can’t have simple, minor tributes to dead relatives without getting fined, but something that actually affects gameplay is just “Eh, we’ll let the billion dollar franchise figure it out on their own

Russia’s biggest problem is it masquerading as a “world power” when it has an economy the size of Italy’s, and has corruption on a scale that rivals the geopolitical basket-cases of Nigeria and Lebanon (Link below). It’s publicly acknowledged military spending, as a percentage of GDP, is higher than the US by an

So I skimmed the list briefly and googled a name at random. What are the chances its another sports related person?

As a resident of Danville with a brown lawn, I shall bring out the boo birds and the incredibly sassy hissing the next time I see Beane at the Blackhawk Starbucks. SHAME! Now let me get back to passive aggressively despising those tree hugging, AstroTurf landscaping losers in Lafayette.

Could you imagine if he would have tilted his hat?

This is a terrible comment from top to bottom, but I’ll answer the question at the end: Lots of people.

It’s a shame whenever so much can be pinned on one guy, but that’s a big part of what makes playoff baseball so special. For better or worse, it’s tough to have heroes in the absence of goats.

Fair use should extend to many, if not most, GIFs.

The sound when the ball hits the bat ... I’m just imagining that screaming cartoon baseball that ESPN used to use for Baseball Tonight.

I’m at the game and it’s currently 13-4. I’ve been going to Mets games for a long time - longer than I care to admit - and I’m not sure Queens has ever been like this. Even when Endy was being Endy.

Gotta disagree on what is good driving. Being overly cautious is not good driving. Part of being a good driver is kind of anticipating what other drivers are going to do. Safe driving and aggressive driving doesn’t have to be two opposite things. Sometimes being aggressive is the safest choice.

Why do people excuse minor accidents as inevitable? Bumping another car is not a common occurrence unless you are inept.

Actually, the fans were paid to chant “FANDUUUUUUUEL” throughout the game.

Does this mean MF DOOM and Ghostface Killah will finally release that DoomStarks album?

It’s like ESPN is actively trying to piss off the people who watch.

I'm not surprised. Usually a screwup in Bristol leads to a kid.

They don’t need to, which makes this whole thing they’re doing even classier.

See? THAT is how you respond to an Internet shaming.

When you trust any one company to meet all of your needs, you shut off the ability to make smart decisions about what you use, when you use it, and why. Instead, that loyalty forces you to contort your needs into whatever shape that company gives you. They tell you what to buy, instead of the other way around.

I used to think Apple fans were silly for buying into a mindset like that. Then I bought a motorcycle.