
wait a sec. If forced to choose between the blowhards on NFL Network, Fox Sports, or CBS, I would choose CBS 7.5 times out of 10 fingers.

From Peyton’s clipboard:

Boy, is he red-faced.

My buddy Adam KreatureKid Dougherty has a piece in this I believe. He’s a sculptor and has been working on a Del Toro inspired piece.

That is the face of a man who is staring unemployment in the face. It is also the face of a man who finds auto-play videos on Deadspin.

... but not the Bechdel test.

I have a recurring dream where I’m drinking in a bar with Murphy Brown (in character) and Nick Swisher. I don’t know what to make of this.

Ashley Madison should get credit for passing the Turing Test.

New Mutants Box Set. I have money, I will give you said money to make this

This is the best 500 days of Kristin yet

Law of averages - given an infinite number of chimps typing an infinite amount of YouTube comments, one of them will eventually be (a) non-racist, (b) funny…

Just one month ago I waited on a table with a mom and kid. They ordered tacos but failed to mention the kid needed them without lettuce and tomato until after the order arrived at the table. Mom asks to have them replaced:

it’s happening!

with only five points of articulation

Sure, but like I said, my kid doesn’t actually ever play. I couldn’t get inspired watching someone else play and then not jump into to play myself.

I don’t get it. And normally I would just ignore it but I LOVE yelling at my kid when he watches Minecraft videos “YOU HAVE THE GAME!!! WHY DON’T YOU PLAY IT!?!??!” and he loves laughing at me and calling me old. It’s all good.

Come on, it was bad sushi.

I know you didn’t ask me but I can answer this. A lot of times when you leave the organized faith, that’s when you really start your spiritual walk/journey as it was meant to be (individual, personal, etc). So, you can acknowledge and, most importantly, separate religion from spirituality and thereby retain a

A while back I read a blog post of a girl who was raised very fundamentalist. She has a theory that lots of Christian girls go through goth phases because their upbringing doesn’t like to acknowledge dark things and emotions other than happiness. But there are some good things about the dark. Have you seen the latest

I’ve seen the video (only available in Canada). Sportsnet not only took advantage of their relationship with a Blue Jays player as a Rogers employee (Sportsnet is owned by Rogers) in order to get a personal one-on-one segment, but they used Devon Travis’ likeness to promote local suit retailer GotStyle (including