
ESPN: “We feel that Mr. Schilling’s posting of the Confederate flag is unacceptable. The Confederate flag a symbol associated with a period of history in which a group of people were exploited without being paid for the own labor. This does not reflect the values or culture of ESPN or any of our broadcast partners.”

People say this when an organization hands down discipline to offending parties and I’m not sure they understand what they’re saying. Curt Schilling is protected by the First Amendment in that he has the freedom to say whatever he damn well pleases. However, his employer as a private enterprise can discipline their

Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen sake in Korea, although I never bothered to look especially hard. The Japanese occupation of Korea during WWII and the subsequent slavery of basically the whole country is still fresh on many Korean’s minds. Even today, they have a marked distaste for the Japanese in everything from

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one feeling this way. When this story broke, I was initially chortling along with everyone else, but I’m finding myself more and more feeling sorry for the people who’ve fallen into it—even Josh Duggar.

North: Three potatoes and a hundred bucks.

I don’t know what’s worse - this, or figuring out after the fact all those late nights “at the office” were a lie and your poor mother did EVERYTHING on her own so that you could run around fucking other women. I seriously had no clue when it was happening. My parents didn't fight. But as an adult, and especially now

SERIOUSLY. As someone who’s parents stayed together “for the kids” let me remind the parents that it doesn’t work. Your kids know you hate each other, you’re setting a bad example, and they’ll be just fine without you “married.” Staying in a bad marriage is the most self-centered thing to do, often disguised as “for

“ultimately the role we play together as parents feels more important than my splitting us up so that I can seek out potential pussy options”

so that I can seek out potential pussy options

/whistle Travelling. And Carrying.

Yeah, when all the lulz are snickered and done, we may be facing a new era where the bar for doxxing is much lower and hackers are tempted to just dump all sorts of personal data for fun. That kinda already happened with the Hollywood and Sony hacks, this is the first time hackers have gone after “regular” (if

These things are awesome, amazing, shocking, strange, and cool.

Santa Clara won an NBA title AND a World Series? Holy moly, who knew?

I still have some (misguided) hope for the team. If they finish 8-8 I’ll be happy. It’s really like the 2010 era again. There’s a lot of talent but it just doesn’t look like it will ever be utilized properly.

Fun anecdote: I wanted to buy a jersey this year for games but I couldn’t think of an active player I wanted

They’re still working on if hot dog’s are sandwiches or not.


Or as my mother said as she would calmly ignore my children’s very rare refusal to eat: “No kid ever starved in a house full of food.”

yup. Our nine year old, as far as I know, hasn’t had anything to eat today but some corn chips and a banana with peanut butter, if he’s to be believed. (He was with the sitter today, and may have eaten and forgotten.) His older brother made him a cheeseburger, and had the audacity to put one leaf of kale and one

I could defend being in the position of dealing with a small child who is a picky eater. But that doesn’t mean it’s the restaurant staff’s responsibility to go out of their way to deal with it, too.