
It’s not about a lack of realism - it’s about a lack of internal consistancy.

It certainly looks about 3464569x nicer than the ones I used to make out of random parts as a kid in the 90s.

what a bunch of morons why the fuck would this have any affect on your toy choices? Are you that fucking stupid that you forget what gender your kid is without the appropriate colors? What the fuck does inclusiveness have to do with ‘pussification’ (seriously what kind of fucking idiot even uses a word like that?

Odom’s had such a shitty life. His dad was a heroin addict, his mom died from cancer when he was a kid, and his six-month-old baby died from SIDS, which is one of the most fucked up ways you can lose a child. And despite it all, he managed to still be a really nice guy.

You’re right that it could indicate the family is not doing anything illegal. It could also indicate that when it comes to addressing problems, government is just as lazy as for-profit businesses.

My mom has been feeding every animal within range of her for years, and at one point had what could very much be termed a “large scale feeding operation” going. Crows, ducks, raccoons, squirrels, every kind of bird, she never met an animal she didn't want to feed until it needed a hover-round to stay mobile. (except

After seeing these pictures I was all like “WTF Deadspin why are we making fun of people with special needs” then I googled Mark Davis and I realized this is not in fact a special needs person but in fact someone who willingly and apparently not because of a lost bet got that hairdo and one day decided white is OK

You mean Lhense Flayre, the dreaded bounty hunter who uses bright light to blind his quarry into submission.

I was roofied once and I’m pretty sure at some point I made out with the dude who roofied me. I had half a drink and then everything else is a blur until I woke up half naked in this asshole’s bed. I was like - uh, where am I and who the hell are you? I thought it was an embarrassing slutty night until I realized

The CCTV tapes show clearly that the alleged victim was seen kissing at the bar with the employee and was seen entering the bathroom of her own free will. It shows a 90 percent chance it was consensual behavior.

Mark Davis should be required to wear a propeller beanie at all times.

That fact that he stepped over it so well even though it was unnecessary and led to him missing the ball makes me think that he’s been practicing this and just been waiting for his moment to be number 1 on SC top ten.

Hey now. Those “sadsack” Athletics, just took 3 from the Astros, and are have been quite competitive before and after the trades.

When keepin it real goes wrong...

They are PBA free, water ballasted, and are produced locally by minority female owned businesses employing veterans .

... and costs a mere 36 cents.

This is better explained over at Vox. The balls, in this case, are being used more to control the added chlorine and the naturally occurring bromine from reacting with the sunlight and forming bromate; a human carcinogen. The evaporation is a tertiary, and smaller, side effect of having the balls in place.

I used to troll people in an online MMO a few years ago, when MMOs were young and hadn’t quite reached millions of subs. There were a small handful of people besides me doing it, but we weren’t any sort of organized team or pack. None of the trolling was bannable (mostly), but they sure did wander into the gray area.

So I got a ton of submissions for this and nearly always, 80% of the text was dedicated to explaining what the REAL definition of trolling was. None of this is included in the post because frankly, who gives a shit about maintaining the REAL PURITY of trolling other than trolls? In this case, if people self-identified

Now playing

Never saw the second one, but this scene from the first one is absolutely amazing!: