While ultimately it is his choice, you have to take into account what the MLBPA wants in the situation too. He absolutely was “being a good union member,” and doing what he was told to do more likely than not.
While ultimately it is his choice, you have to take into account what the MLBPA wants in the situation too. He absolutely was “being a good union member,” and doing what he was told to do more likely than not.
As an A’s fan, the best tweet I saw about this from another fan: “No fun allowed.”
Ask Korean folks about Japanese racism/cultural superiority. This is just standard culture clash, not full-on genocide.
OK what about me - after my 5 year-old has enough Avengers Ultron-related toys/clothes/birthday party favors, and has been to Target for the first time, I, Dad, take him to the comicbook store to show him the wonders on the shelves. Hoping to get him into the many kids-versions of my favorite titles growing up, we…
UROTSUKIDOJI! Man, somehow I ended up with a copy of that, and lets just say I had no idea such a thing existed at the time. I had thought Akira was the most adult themed anime I had ever seen, then BOOM - giant demon dicks.
While it seems most are in agreement that a couple’s wedding day is the worst time for anyone to propose to their fiance, there seems to be a bit of ambiguity about the “happy couple’s day” - rest assured that, without question, the wedding day belongs to The Bride. While most men are aware of this, the few who decide…
I came here without reading the article just to point out that the backwards baseball cap with metal buckle is the absolute worst thing in casual men’s fashion.
(I’m replying to your comment re: shopping cart - I realized it’s the ONLY time I leave my 5-year-old in the car. More below.)
I used to have a thing for Kourtney just cuz I thought she was the best-looking out of the three sisters. Then I caught her on the reality show talking, and I’ve never been so 180’d before by a woman’s voice. If I had to choose between holding a conversation with her over dinner vs trying to take a nap with a…
Folks, anyone with a sob story asking you for money is someone who owes someone else some sort of drug/blood money.
At risk of losing my stream, it’s MLB dot com’s free game of the day - I’m listening to the radio broadcast now.
This is a mind-boggling question - as an Oakland A’s fan, I can’t imagine how many things wouldn’t happen at the Coliseum, if put in this fan-less game situation. We already don’t get enough staff/concessions/metal detector gatekeepers for weeknight games. I imagine this being Lew Wolff’s utopian dream game.
I like to make ones out of free wavs on the interwebz, one of favorites is a Groucho Marx quote, if I remember correctly, from A Day At The Races:
“There’s something funny going on in my pants, but I just can’t seem to locate it”
This is a ~$25 Camillus diver-style knife, with marlinspike. Prior to this I carried a Spyderco, a few different CRKTs... I still have a folding knife for every day of the week, but this cheapo is now my EDC. While my job doesn’t require a whole lot of actual cutting - I’m mostly opening envelopes, cutting loose…
Great review - I haven’t heard this yet, but am looking forward to it. I’m a big DeJohnette fan, and am just pleasantly surprised that there is a jazz album review on a Kinja site! Would love this to be a more regular feature, maybe a la “Jazz for the Beginner” to keep it broadly appealing, but also smart enough to…
I am a drummer for bands in the CA Bay Area, and go into North Beach part of San Francisco about every-other-month. The one time (recently too) I screwed up and parked in a tow zone - imagine leaving the club late at night, with a carload worth of gear, only to find your car gone. I catch a cab to the tow truck place,…
I used to date a girl who was from upstate NY, and she taught me a word for this type of thing that comes in pretty handy fairly regularly these days: “New Englandland.”
There's a line that goes, "Never in the history of the game has the rules ever been adjusted to benefit the pitcher." Now I gotta go remember where I read it.
Maybe if you're British. Maybe.