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    The irony is that the suit, which first popped up in August 2013, was initiated not by Nona, Frankie, and Marvin Gaye III, who own their father's copyrights, but by the "Blurred Lines" songwriters—including T.I., whose guest verse escaped legal consequences—as a sort of preemptive defensive strike against the Gaye

    or the efficiency of scale the Red Sox or New York Yankees can sometimes employ in turning small-market tactics loose with big-market ruthlessness (and margin for error)

    I'm dating myself, but Craigslist is often blamed for the demise of newspapers, since they posted classified ads for free that newspapers used to charge money for, largely subsidizing the menial subscription fees.

    Hmmmm, I understand the impetus of this rant, but I think if you started talking about sunglasses or maybe even 'where men carry their smartphones' then you start up the slippery slope.

    As a fan of the Raiders since their return to Oakland, the time that sticks in my head was the firing of Tom Cable in favor of Hue Jackson, right before Al Davis passed away. Bay area talk radio has been discussing coaching options for days now, but the one name not being mentioned is Tom Cable; he took a terrible

    You know how in science fiction, many of the ideas and technologies represented by what authors thought the future might be like are now coming to fruition, like touchscreen tricorders, walkie talkie wristwatches, and 3D-printing replicators?

    Lebron: "Hey - did the tag get cut out of my gift to Will? No? Let me get that taken care of."

    As an Oakland fan, it has not been an easy last dozen years or so. When the Bay teams battle, under these conditions, they are playing for bragging rights. Social media amplifies that, yeah but hey - we take what we can get in silver & black around here. Every now and then a little light shines through the muck.

    Damn, even the written synopsis is LOL funny. Gotta see that one.

    Huh. While Google seems to corroborate your account, I coulda sworn I saw Lennon say it in a press conference myself. B&W footage. Possibly well after Beatles broke up.

    I'm gonna hafta take umbrage with #8, and make a suggestion not in your list - 3-5pm. My son is on the verge of age 5, and since Mommy and I both work (like sled dogs), my boy goes to preschool from 8am - 5pm. If I can manage to leave work a tad early and have the house to myself for a couple hours, those two hours

    You know my favorite John Lennon quote: "Ringo isn't even the best drummer in the Beatles."

    Whenever TNT/TBS decides to do the whole LOTR trilogy on Sundays, I like to imagine the majority of their video operations staff sitting at home, watching the Falcons with friends and family, and being so thankful that Peter Jackson made such long, long, LONG movies.

    Now playing

    My favorite place in Amoeba Music is the clearance bins, and I'll confess I still own the Chris Webber album "2 Much Drama" thanks to this practice. I remember thinking how bad the songs were, but that some of the beats had a nice bounce.

    Didja hear the one about the waitress who had a customer that said, "If the customer says throw this steak back on the grill until it's tender, you do it" (sic)

    You notice the person whose name they actually dropped is widely believed to be Kanye's undercover lover.

    In the pantheon of crazy/manic ex-girlfriends many of us have experienced, I had one that used to just absolutely deride me in public places, like a restaurant. But as soon as the waiter/waitress would show up at our table, she'd flash a big fake smile, ask a few questions, and send him/her on their way. It was so, so

    Anybody check who WGBH or WBUR had on as guests? If his "national radio appearance" was taped in advance, maybe it hasn't even aired yet.

    Ditto for me. I can't drink Budweiser in any form, yet I have managed to enjoy Miller/Lite, Coors/Lite.

    I gotta see that P&R sketch - "Jazz + Jazz = Jazz" is the funniest thing I've read in forever.