
Every time I see that title all I can think of is this:

Which Assination was your favorite? I like Assination 4 All Holes Orgy.


I wouldn’t get too upset. It’s not like it’s permanent. It’s just going to cost a little money to get rid of it all.

“That looks nothing like Magic Johnson.”

And, what does that have to do with hardware emulation?

“Well why didn’t she grab one of the guns and point it at him? That’s what I would’ve done.”

I bet CC Sabathia was even more upset he missed the game when he heard that the stadium was full of boos.

At the risk of sounding like a crotchety old man... Why is a YouTube gaming personality a lead guest on a late night talk show? Like I get Pewdiepie is the biggest YouTube “star”, but does he really need to be on a talk show? Is he promoting something? I don’t get it! Maybe I’m just not with it anymore...

Judging from that picture, it doesnt look like his wardrobe is doing well, either.

The story is obviously fake. The Browns don’t even have 3 NFL starters on offense.

The Raiders have always been more comfortable with white lines.

I think Hardibro was referencing engineers working on North American product, not their location.

He then popped up and said “Must be something...i8!” as a large curtain dropped behind him, unveiling the latest concept of BMW’s groundbreaking hybrid-composite sports car of the future.

I’m okay with grown adults enjoying toys like this. Hell, when my kid is old enough for this stuff I’m sure I’ll have fun with him, though we we will actually be playing with these toys, not putting them in a locked cabinet who’s glass panels have to be cleaned three times a day to remove a mysterious buildup of goopy

Everyone clicked on this because they thought they were gonna see a nip slip