
You get out of here with your communist nonsense.

Never heard of it.

I think they meant real sports.

I’ll tell you what, as someone who loves drawing and sketching and will forever be shitty at it even after forty years of practice, I am always just so... impressed at people who can just fire stuff off like this. Even cartoony Bill Costas that looks so simple...I can’t do that! I a world full of jaded dicks

Soccer stinks and it will never truly catch on in America. Thank fucking God.

Chad Curtis had the previous baseball record, having eaten 15 on five occasions.

“Equally Small”??? It’s 3x the size!

Terrible. Hamilton was known for his defense and his range but never really had a gun.

You should have seen what it looked like when this trophy exploded all over its owner.

Not sure being able to play last gen’s games is really a mic drop moment...

Okay, almost spit on the last one.

April was last month.....

How long until someone puts a dick in there?


Those aren’t “shitty dogs”, those are “dogs that are not right for you”. Someone else might get great joy and companionship from loving and caring for a dog that has been abused.

Go to the pound and get an adult dog that is a good dog.

Seriously, and for real: if you’re going to get a dog, adopt. I adopted my little guy about a year ago and I can’t image doing anything else.

Rule #1 is get a rescue dog.

Thanks for all of that.