
Private mortgage insurance when you buy a house? The insurance everyone says to avoid getting if you can? Anything that protects us when he loses his job, or takes care of bills when he's out of work, I welcome with open arms at this point.


Maybe he did just go off-track, but Christ, look what it did to his hand!

"Yeah I think I'll pass."

OMG, I want to have your logical, rational-thinking babies!

The GIF format can't play Yakety Sax, so it attempts to compensate by speeding up the video.

I work with a few "cow-orkers" - I'm stealing that one. Thanks!

OMG yes! Nobody is happy when you catch your necklace on the gearshift.

"Allegedly?! The doc says I may never shit right again!"

I've dry-humped my share of billionaire's legs before, but jesus fuck I hope it looked sexier than that.

This. When I was an escort it was pretty much expected.

Gal | Chick | Broad | Bitch | Cunt

I laff at copywrites.

Actually it should play something from Tupac.

You made the same joke too, eh?

Hopefully like football, or Rollerball (the James Caan version.)

OMG you said it on Twitter, as well?

Admittedly I'm kinda slow, or maybe this recap needs another line or two of description, but how does adding a "tamper notification" device to a machine prevent people from gambling with it? So now they can't tamper with it, but they can still wager with/on it.

Wow! The part with those dudes on the loveseat looks life-like.

I dunno, dubbing PC as a "re-release" is... I dunno.