
This was a punch to the gut. Mike was such a bright light in difficult times. Thanks for everything you gave this community Mike.

Considering what he was able to do with Tesleen in FFXIV:Shadowbringers with a T rating... I shudder to think what he could do with an M.

...and I am 100% okay with that.

This combines two of my favorite things: Sexy guys and malicious compliance.

You just made me realize I have no way to transfer from any old gen games to the modern gen. Goodbye WSHMKR Jirachi farm.

Think we’ll get some QoL stuff? I’d love to get all characters on 1 playthrough, and story tie ins that were scrapped for time to be implemented, like Guile being a disguised/represses Magus.

Ah yes the “you think you know what you want, but you don’t” logic... that’s worked so well for developers in the past.

My brain: $12.7 million? That seems fair, haven’t heard much from Zynga in a while, but that seems accurate for a company a decade past the spot-light but still turns out popular casual games.

My brain a few moments later: B... billion?! for real? I GROSSLY underestimated their business model.

So there are Two different anime about bureaucratically competent guys revitalizing their fantasy-style kingdoms?!

Surprised at the lack of Endwalker.

Did it punch down? Then it’s not a slur. It may not be pleasant, but Cracker does not carry the weight or trauma of words like the N-word. Shame on Twitch.

How many times can Blizz give that canned response now? This seems to be the new formula.
Person: “Hey your company caused me significant harm”

It also rings of refusing to be a tokenized figurehead so the company can avoid genuine change. Her remarks are polite, but scathing nonetheless. Good on her for getting out.

A series that prints Nintendo money and works as a PR juggernaut for the company may not end? Even if it means changing project leads?! Next you’ll tell me the sky is blue.

It had been shrinking for years. Thought it was going to collapse even before the pandemic.

Actually surprised at the waiving of forced arbitration. It is the unethical-yet-mandatory safety net every single company I’ve ever worked for has baked into their contracts.

My credential: Professional corporate graphic designer for over a decade.

My two cents: It’s fine. It’s not great, just fine. The previous logo was so iconically distinctive that the change is jarring, sure, but a distinctive logo is amazing if it has staying power. The blobs of the old logo could definitely use an

Won’t lie, my now-husband and I spent almost two days there geeking out. I think we went to maybe 10 spots. It’s like skyscrapers filled with the coolest and most obscure geek ephemera. To make up for it we went to Tokyo Tower the next day to be proper tourists (where I proposed, to fulfill all of his Sailor Moon

Common 9 remake! I missed it the first time around and so much of the content is internet based that I’d miss out if I just played the vanilla DS version.

Would also love a western release of 10, but that is probably completely unrealistic.

Stormblood is next and is a great world-builder and scratches the itch of military theatre and political intrigue. But then you get Shadowbringers... oh my God Shadowbringers. I never thought, having grown up with the likes of FF7 and the like, that a final fantasy MMO expansion would rank as one of my favorite FF