
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Maybe it just references the same texture?

I fully belive that Mother 3's localization roadblocks are these characters and the quality of the Fan translation.

Dont forget creepy stalker cupid. Yikes!! What an all around terrible character concept.

The only male character who has stayed dead was poor Tommy.

Det. Lance should be dead by now too.

Major’s existence is purely to remind me how much better Lowell was. (pours spicy drink out)

Even getting past your first year without throwing in the towel is quite the achievement. Congrats on that!

What did it take to get a con like this off the ground?

I’m really mad at my past self for getting rid of a lot of my old games and systems. But I’m ESPECIALLY mad at my brother who sold our N64 without asking me. I’ve been slowly adding to my classics collection via eBay.

I have a similar collection (all the Nintendo and Sega systems plus an Intellivision, Odyssey 2, 3DO, Ataris, Atari Jaguar, mostly working) - plus some old computers: Commodore 64 (working, sort of), Amiga (not working), an original Mac (working) (the beige box), a Sinclair (no clue how to get it to work), and some

I actually found a case full of old Nes games I thought I had given to my cousin years ago in my house when I was on vacation a few weeks back. It was like finding a treasure chest. And now i have a third party NES so i can play them again.

Health class? Holy shit, that’s way better than what we were taught in my health class!

I’ve never seen steam come out of someone’s ears before a temp told our graphic designer that he “had some design experience” because he created his own logo in Word and it looked pretty good. (He showed us. It was just a WordArt font. It was not pretty good.)

Like an Eskimo?

Now playing

this computer simulation has been making the rounds for a few years now