
When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was

A yuppie and his date came into the bar. It was obviously early in the relationship and he was obviously showing her how urbane he was.

Just think if there had been some Piglio Giglio.

Free popcorn in a tray is our early front runner for best bco submission of 2015.

I preached a sermon once where I talked about how embarrassed we should be that we go out to eat after an hour of church and think our generosity doesn’t extend to people working hard for $3/hr. (I’m a pastor at a mainline church) A waitress called two days later and thanked me because apparently a table of Sunday

I think I’ve said this on here before, but I worked at a BBQ place that's offered only carry out til 3pm on Sundays bc the church crowd treated the staff so horribly when we had a regular lunch service.

“she didn’t tip Sunday lunch waitstaff because she knew ‘that means they didn’t go to church.’”

Eh, she passed away a year ago. I’m not saying that to make you feel like a dick, because what she said was far, far more dickish, but please for the luvva remember that we all have foibles and that hers came from a bygone era and lots of internet commenters still love their Memaws even when they were at times

I’m a Christian and I tip 20%+ and am generally a very easy person to serve.

My husband had to restrain me at a Disney World counter-service restaurant, where we waited in line to order for FIFTEEN MINUTES, and the people in front of me STILL had to lingeringly peruse the menu board which had been plainly visible to them for FIFTEEN MINUTES (did I mention we’d all been standing in front of it


AMEN. At first I was relieved to serve at Steakback Outhouse, which had no lunch service back then, but imagine my horror when they decided to open Sunday lunch several months after opening my location. Oh, the hatred.

I don’t want to say this but i’m going to anyway, religious people are the absolute worst people.

“A Single guy, drunk, we can possibly overlook”

If you're ordering something and you don't know what it is, you take your chances.

no he was a totally dorky quiet dude that I would have never thought would cheat or talk to his diary. ALSO abs only 7/10.

Sorry ladies. I win this one.


A friend of mine called his wife while we were in Afghanistan. She was really excited that to tell him that she was eight weeks pregnant. One problem: we had been in Afghanistan for three months. Turns out his wife was kinda bad at math.

One of my last semesters in college I had let my roommate talk me into renting an apartment at a really weird apartment complex in Austin called the Metropolis which was painted psychedelic colors and housed a lot of artistic and obviously drug friendly people. I was a middle class kid from a small town and a huge