
In the restaurant that I work at ordering off the menu is annoying because as I server I cannot put an off menu order into the system. Every item on the menu corresponds with a button on my till. All of the acceptable substitutions also have their own buttons on the till (ex: sub salad for fries or no sauce). When a

doesn't matter how much you spend or how often you go out each month. If you are making all these ridiculous specific, make-it-just-for-me requests you are q huge imposition on the staff and restaurant. Perhaps you should deal with what issues you may have before going out to eat in public. What you might think is

OK, ill address some of your points: Seating preference- as a host, you seat according to where is available, who you expect, through expereince, to come in during the paticular period, any bookings that have been made and who is looking after the paticular area. If I seat someone at a paticular table and they say

Yeah, servers DEFINITELY hate you.

All of them? Probably all of them.

First, she didn't say it wasn't busy, only she thought she was giving her trainee a likely easy table for her first attempt at solo serving.
The answer to your question as a whole is because people are terrible. What does the restaurant gain- other than a potential lawsuit? Also, I am pretty sure there are health


I am not crazy and if you say I am I will murder you horrifically. I hope I've proven my point.


People will defend basically ANYTHING. People defended the red allergy quite a lot, which is why it didn't make the cut.

Yep. Being ignorant is no sin, it's refusing to learn anything that makes you an asshole.

A) I have literally never heard of this, ever.
B) This would not work going from medium to well unless you had an actual grill on the table.

One thing I've learned is someone will always try to defend these people. I even had a comment today (which I dismissed) whinging about how "too many" of these rely on laughing at ignorant people. No, they rely on laughing at people who, when politely confronted with the fact that they were ignorant, either turned

I totally remember that, especially since in their post they were all "I've had to ask the server about different ways to serve eggs so check yer privilege blah blah blah" I was all "so you asked your server politely and were the exact opposite of this incurious dicksmack and you're upset why?"

"Maybe he's never seen them prepared another way before!" Yeah, that still doesn't excuse him turning into a hostile dick when the server was trying to politely explain the various ways eggs could be cooked.

It was really about ethics in egging journalism.

Very true - a normal person would simply not order something like soup that has an ingredient in it they don't like which isn't easily removable.

"You want bones? Here are your fucking bones!"

My favorite part of this is all the shady little asides directed at the idiot commenters who defended these assholes.