This map is not accurate for Australia. Is it not 'customary' to tip here because waiters/waitresses make min wage, or more, for their time. Min wage can vary due to age, i.e. minor, from 18-22.00 per hour.
This map is not accurate for Australia. Is it not 'customary' to tip here because waiters/waitresses make min wage, or more, for their time. Min wage can vary due to age, i.e. minor, from 18-22.00 per hour.
One of the participating scientists has a a blog that contains a video on the main page. The blog/video are in Russian but Google Translate can assit there... obviously not w/the video.
The type face used in the adverts make me think of Harry Potter.
Avengers EMH is no where near as good as JL/JLU. However, that said, it was quite nice to watch Loki wipe the floor with them.
I agree... YJ was one of my greatest finds whilst searching the interwebs for a JLU like show.
@torched - White Gold Wielder: No light pollution = probably pretty awesome.
Yea, I though the whole menacing cloud thing was determined to be a bad idea when it was done in Rise of the Silver Surfer. Why, why is it back.
You know I'm actually inclined to agree with you and that's why I will continue to purchase a Mac even though it generally costs much more than it's Windows based counterpart.
This is one of several things that only the Japanese could come up with and actually think it's a good idea to go forward with. Good on them but never will I eat a 'poo burger' mate, never.
@phdearthworm: Nor does he have a problem with sticking a tube up his anus and pouring saltwater in so that he doesn't get sick from actually drinking it, but still manages to get rehydrated.
I pretty much have a feeling of 'meh' over the Wii U and their new and improved Dreamcast controller. Nintendo has failed to gain any third party love since the SNES and I'm expecting this trend to continue. However, that said, I could be wrong.
Somehow I doubt they will name it the 'XB3'... but if they do you heard it here first.
I would like that background.
Before shelving out $40 bucks for this App I think I'll wait to see how the refreshed 'Mail' app preforms when Lion is released.
@dccorona: Pretty much exactly what I was thinking when i saw the screen go black.
'Paying for gender reassignment is only "ridiculous" if you regard the surgery as illegitimate or unnecessary'. What a 'ridiculous' statement. While I believe that everyone should have equal access to healthcare, I find it difficult to rationalise the link applied here as it's boarders on farfetched and fanciful. …
I've known about the movie since it's release, knew it was crap, and I resisted viewing it until this past Sunday after I saw a hilarious review of the film on youtube wherein it was stated that the way the bloke managed to get funding for it was to not inform the investors of the less decent aspects of the film.. …
I won't. However, that said, I do find him heaps less annoying than his misses.
GV is available in Canada but not any other non-North American countries as of yet.
The question though is 'But does it blend?'