aleph Ruehl

Gambit if def my favourite member of the X-team.

I think you mean what's referred to as Moderate Republicans, however, you often hear from political pundits and commentators that 'Moderate Republicans' are now more akin to the Democrats of the 80's and 90's and both parties have moved further right and left respectively. Maybe the American Liberal movement is a

I hope that sarcasm, but if not.... Yes, he's so gainfully employed that he decided to do it in the first place.

You know DC has a character that uses Reactive Evolution to survive in any atmosphere he's placed in and his name is Doomsday. Of course he has an additional level of badassery, but the phrase 'crown of silliness' is a bit harsh.

Agreed, he'll probably receive probation and be back to breaking and entering within two weeks.

A friggin lot but most of them are just inter dimensional 'demons' with their own versions of 'Hell' that they rule. For example, Loki made a deal with Mephisto in which the latter was to give Hela a part of the 'hell' he ruled in exchange for ya-da ya-da ya-da.

'Americans will always win the Fuckery On the Legislative Floor contest.' This is going in the quote log.

That just shows how ignorant you are to our political affairs. We stopped settling political conflicts with serrated knives in a muddy bog at Federation in 1901. It was then outlawed in the Australian Criminal Code and in s.52B (i) Commonwealth Constitution [CC] it is stated that all conflicts arising at the Federal

As a Liberal I don't particularly agree with liking our party to that of the American Republicans. Yes we are conservatives, however our level of conservative is more akin to that of the Canadian Liberal party rather than that of the seemingly xenophobic American Republican party. Further, like all Australians we

In relation to the public's reaction, Troy lot his initial leadership place. However, that said, in general Australian's don't harp on things such as this as much as yanks tend to do when it's a Democrat in a similar position. It gets reported on for 3 days or so and then people move on to talking about more

Yea, you can by simply reading the Terms of Service.

+1 For fitting Top Gear Reference.

YEa I'm going to agree with you there and the cliff hanger ending that was supposed to translate into a film but isn't anymore, was just rubbish. Epic Fail Syfy.

I caught that as well and just chalked it up to her age... then I remembered that I was never that retarded and went back to my 'wtf' comment.

Yea, that sounds like Telstra. Not even remotely surprised that they actually allowed this to go on for so long without flagging the account and denying the SIM access to the network.

That the Fliqlo screensaver which you can download from the developers. A mate had it on his Mac about two years back and I've been using it ever since. They probably just have their PC connected to the tele.

I have to admit that I'm pretty 'amused' by the song and the attention it's receiving as well.

I'm presently in the library's 'quiet room' with at least 30 people, as it's only 2:47pm in Sydney, and I had to fight HARD not to laugh out loud.

There is a really sick part of me that wants D.Trump to wind up with the Republican Presidential nomination.

Very happy about the return of so many good shows. On the Game of Thrones; I thought the show would be utter crap but I downloaded it and saved it to watch on my Perth to Sydney flight and man was I wrong. Now all I need is net set up at my new place so I can download episode 2.... looks like series 1 is going to be