Lol, yer that was Ultimate Spiderman from the 90's. Awesome reference.
Lol, yer that was Ultimate Spiderman from the 90's. Awesome reference.
I wonder just how long it is until Apple removes this from the App Store. That said, Google's app, while it allows you to send sms messages over Wifi, should have allowed you to make actually make calls, without ring backs, when it was released.
Uh, 'had the show continued' in the sense that it's over for the series. In North America I know you guys say 'season' finale for the end of a program year, but Aussies and Brits use the phrase 'series finale' for the end of a program year.
I disagree with your statement that the characters of the two shows are utterly different, save for George. George on the UK series is a whimpering tool and the US versions character is much more of a 'man' for lack of a better phrase. Aiden, had the show continued, would have no doubt become much more like Mitchell…
Mitchell > Aiden. I've watched, downloaded of course, the US series from the start and in comparison to the UK version it was severely lacking. Any Yanks or awesome Canadians wising for a second season should just torrent the UK version and see the series done properly.
By 'every other company manager' I was actually referring to ANF company managers... context clues mate, context clues.
It's not Brand Representatives anymore... I too was a BR at one point but sometime in 2006 they became Models right around the time I became a manager.
Well, I did this twice a week when I was a manager at Abercrombie & Fitch... as does every other company manager. While I never said it to their face, I didn't hire 'overweight' persons because the 'models' are literally walking advertisements and 'A&F doesn't make clothes for fat people' [quote unquote].
Yes 'willfully ignorant' and it's best that you don't go around purporting to know the law is when you clearly don't. A person does not, I repeat - does not, 'have to be born on US soil in addition to having parents who are citizens.' Regardless of where you are born in the world, if one or both of your parents are…
Lol, thanks for that. Why is it that some Americans have a hard time understanding that if one of your parents is an American citizen that makes you one as well regardless of where you were born. It's almost like you're wilfully ignorant.
Actually, I didn't realise that mistake or the fact that I made the same mistake. What I was really trying to say was that, 'Did you really just say that has "news on it". Basically pointing the fact that FauxNews really isn't a news organisation.
I a devout Sperry wearer I second that opinion.
Did you really just say that has 'news on it'.
I remember them from when I lived there in the early 2000's as the phone company for people for bad or no credit.
I will say that slamming him on the concrete was a little much due to the risk of causing great bodily harm. However, given his age and the fact that he was just fed up, it's not some thing that would have crossed his mind. That said, I really want to know what you believe he should have done here. Stand there and…
I'm inclined to agree with you on the point that 'the only reason why Skype won is because it's the only VOIP app' people know of. To me GV/GT is much better, and heck, it's was free all of last year and will remain so until the end of 2011. I literally use it on a daily basis to call North America and now sign into…
No I don't have kids of my own but I can assure you that my kids would not be out there assaulting someone else's child as if its an ok thing to do. I was raised to never take shite from a bully because once you do things only escalate and that's a point that has been proven time and time again and all you need to do…
Yea, he 'overreacted' to being repeatedly punched in the face and body while being taunted by 'The Rat's', as he has been named on the web, mates. It's easy for you to sit there and say that but you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Two problems with MS Zune: [1] they kept it PC only which just confuses me. The iPod would have never been as popular as it is today had Apple not allow non Mac users the ability to use the device without some 'bootcamp' like interface. And, [2]... why the heck did they keep it North America [mainly US] only.
VOTE: Google Voice/Talk/whatever it's called; mainly because it allows me to make, and receive free phone calls to/from landlines in the US and Canada [until the end of 2011].