aleph Ruehl

The US Postal Service because there are too many temptations on the internet and the only thing it should be use for is to spread the word of God to all sinners doomed for the fiery pits of Hell if they don't repent their sins, and accept Jesus Christ as their one true saviour. Further, it should be noted that even

That you are a person who is questionably comfortable with overpaying for MobileMe?

This distinction you need to make here is between that of a 'broke guy', as you stated, and a corporation/company. Regardless of their financial straits they remain insured, and whatever settlement the potential Plaintiff receives will be paid by said insurance company. I'm sure they's try to claim some type of

Mate thank you for the link because I too have gotten to the point I hate this layout.

Was laughing so hard my flatmate had to ask 'what's going on'... bloody epic.

The only person who's going to 'win' here is the employee who was unaware of the nature of the heist... lawsuit.

Exactly, if I need to make a note on my iPhone I'll use the native 'Notes' application that will automatically email the note I've composed to my email account.

I can name two Eastern countries that could do with a substantial population decrease.

No idea what you're talking about mate and I thank AdBlock/Flashblock for that. Seriously, why are you surfing without one or the other?

I'm assuming that the title statement that, 'LA Police seize $10 million worth of fake iPhones, iPods and More' is relevant. The 'more' is the key word here as it would presumably include the noted bank accounts assets/profits to the tune of some 7 million.

Waiting for the iPad II looks to definitely be the best option at this point. I really thought that Moto was going to undercut Apple on the price point which, mind you, would have not cause me to actually purchase it, but given me pause for thought. Good on them for screwing that up.

I agree. The K5/Optima is much better looking than the i45 cousin, the Camary, Accord, etc. However, that said, the Camary and Accord are ready for new models so we'll see how it stacks up against the new releases.

Some would say yet another feature Apple should have included in in iOS and didn't. As much as I like Apple there's just so much fail so much of the time.

I think the UI looks really good but the only way I could actually bring myself to purchase an Android based tablet is if it's made by Sony. Other than that, I've aligned myself too closely to Apple to make a change.

@Bizdady: Cheers, you're a champ mate.

If anyone knows where I can get a copy of that awesome background I'd like to know. Cheers.

@sliverworm: Seriously, because the thought of seeing this POS on the road and at the dealer's still stings my eyes.

@EnochLight: As did mine as I was at uni in America at the time it all happened.

@rheerani: Ah it's a new browser only downloadable from a double secret location. Actually, I shouldn't even be talking about it... hold on mate, there's a knock at my door.