The 3rd-person parenthetical thanking himself for the “now thriving” Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is truly something.
The 3rd-person parenthetical thanking himself for the “now thriving” Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is truly something.
So Labour have made another big announcement today, this time promising they’ll scrap primary school (4-11 year olds) national curriculum tests (known as SATs) which is something teachers have wanted to do for years. I still just about remember sitting the bloody things years back and while I found them straight…
Mortal, please do not get banned again.
Can I just say, I’m enjoying the very quick turnaround from “appearing on Fox News makes you supportive and complicit in their racism and White Nationalism” to “we have to go on Fox News as we need to reach across the aisle to those who voted Trump for valid economic reasons” that’s happened now in the views of many…
Becoming a mother has been the most painful experience of my life. In the sense that I constantly have the ghost of anxiety and fear always within arms reach. Usually I’m good until night time hits when I’m reminded that my kid lives in this world. She leaves my side to go to school and I go to work. For a couple of…
I think centrism is the new conservatism. “We should keep things they way they are. Perhaps, minor, imperceptible tweaks over decades.” Whereas conservatives are now, “We should regress back to the middle ages, with inquisitions, and religious rule, and putting women and minorities to death, and stripping them of…
i used to work at a place, dig this...
Silly! This isn’t about abortion and never has been. It’s about controlling women and preventing them from being members of society. If they’re stuck at home with a bazillion babies, then the men can have all the gross fun they want, decently be screwed!
These people piss me off so much, abortion isnt mentioned anywhere in the bible. It was practiced regularly by the early Christians and Jews as they believed you didnt get your soul until you took your first breath (like Adam). In fact there are more verses in the Bible supporting this then what Conservatives point to…
It doesn’t matter because rich white girls will still be able to get abortions so it will only be poor women and women of color who die. And Congress doesn’t care about those mortality rates.
Pregnancy is technically chemical until 6 weeks, meaning that it’s an embryo, not a fetus, until that point. Before 6 weeks, it’s just multiplying cells in the wall of your uterus, so there’s nothing to surgically remove.
I wish the aliens from xenomorph were real so that we could impregnate every single person against safe legal abortion with the alien baby and make them carry that shit to term till it tears out their fucking chests.
Because the rapist, who is a Kentuckian, as am I, and I reside in Tennessee, has paternity rights in Kentucky and Tennessee. I would’ve had to co-parent with my rapist.
Also, he filed a human rights complaint against Ecuador (you know, the country that was protecting him) with the UN because they told him the embassy staff wasn’t his personal maid service and he was expected to clean up after himself and take care of his cat.
this is very bad if you believe in ideas like the freedom of the press and the importance of whistleblowing
LOL, “psuedoscience degree.” What would that even be, a bachelors of ghosthunting? A masters in ancient astronaut theory?
That’s not the stupidest thing ever said in Congress. It isn’t even the stupidest thing said in Congress about climate change.
Pretending that Frogmore got its name from an abundance of frogs in the area, let’s name our homes/estates. Mine would have been called Antmore Cottage before the bug guy came yesterday, so it’s back to being Hoardmore Estate.
How to investigate lying republicans.