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To almost everyone commenting: I understand that you don’t like The Office and you’re very proud of that.

Just know that The Office still loves you.

And for everyone reading this who loves The Office and appreciates the sweetness of the show, which, at it’s heart, is about friendship and relationships: check out the Off

So Seedy Boss was developed by a Jon Plowman? I think this gentleman is, as they say in Old Blighty, havin’ a laugh.

Now playing

Whenever the topic of Susan Collins comes up I’m reminded of this video. Not just because she calls a member of Congress fugly, which is fun, but because it also demonstrates what an utter phony she is. Her slow, trembling, great-aunty voice suddenly disappears on a hot mic.

I agree but even if they actively participate in trumps crimes, who is going to do anything about it? Power and money are more important to these people than anything else and NO ONE is doing anything to stop them. Every single politician has watched this slide into this new normal and done NOTHING.

We are a failed nation.

I love that you can still be optimistic. I’m going to drink until my brain and liver resemble kitchen sponges, personally.

i have never in my life wanted more to reach through my computer scream and grab a person by the throat and choke the life out of him. HOw dare he. How fucking dare he. He’s a fucking traitor and a rapist and a criminal and he’s up there giving fucking rush fucking limbaugh a god damned medal like it’s a special

Fabrizio Moretti stood behind me in line to checkout of a resort after coachella in 2007. He was so hot, and i got super flustered and turned bright red when he smiled at me. But then Sia came over to him to borrow his deodorant, and I super love her, so I talked to her for a bit about how the use of Breathe Me in the

Bernie is aware of “Reptilia”. But back in his day, the song was called “Champs” and the band was Wire.

Now playing

I haven’t thought about or listened to this song in decades(?) yet I could still rap every word. I was having a good time until 1:02.

The greatest, truest thing about the film is that the real hero is Jackie Wilson.

Great finale, that last scene was such an awesome gift to the fans that watched Clone Wars and Rebels. I figured that weapon would make an appearance at some point, but that didn’t make that scene and reveal any less awesome.

You don’t get credit for things you didn’t put in the movie because (and try to follow this because it’s a pretty big leap) you didn’t put them in the movie. I shouldn’t have to pore through all your deleted scenes and interviews and tie-in books just to say “Oh, that’s not a pile of horseshit after all.”

This story isn’t scary, and there are so many other stories on here that I doubt anyone will read it...but it IS true, I wanted to share it somewhere, and folks in my normal life would probably roll their eyes, so...

This is by far— by FAR— the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me.

My parents thought they were just going to have one chid-me. My mom had my brother the summer before I started fourth grade. I was *relatively* okay with this. My mom had a c-section, and her mom came to stay because my baby brother was freaking huge and my dad had to get back to work.

Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

Two years ago, I got severely, awfully sick (probably the flu). I didn’t go to work for the entire week. It was all I could do just to keep myself drinking liquids and soup and shuffling to bed. The worst part was my husband was traveling for business, so I was all alone, just me and our sweet black cat Libby.

I was recently staying at a wellness resort retreat in the desert. I don’t want to say the name because it’s truly delightful, but it’s like one of those place where white women go to do yoga and eat organic food and get Ayurveda massages. They also have a lot of things there that would maybe be considered mysticism.