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It’s sometimes important to stop and remind ourselves that, as much as the institutional Democratic Party is still haunted by the ghost of Walter Mondale and the drubbing they took in the ‘84 election, we have dragged the party a long way in the right direction over the last 20 years. It doesn’t feel like it at times,

I have a problem with any candidate in their ‘70s. I want a healthy President who can live out his/her full term.

I’ll see myself out.

I hate all of these people so fucking much and this one is at the top of the list. I go out of my way to never listen to her (or the president’s) voice because it literally sends me into a rage spiral, but I could not avoid it last week sitting in a hospital waiting room while my dad had open heart surgery (WHY DO

Whatever. Fuck both of them.

This is some bare-minimum bullshit just to pretend they are doing something.

They should not be included in these posts. Why give that fucking asshole any more outlets for his idiocy.

“I’d punch you out but I’d drop my ice cream!” surely the cry of the true leader and king.

Nope. I wish they wouldn’t include them in these posts. 

OMG - everyone needs to stop talking about Howard Schultz. Also, I would like pundits who claim dems are “freaking out” about Howard Schultz to provide evidence.  

Am I the only one that almost breaks his mouse-wheel when scrolling past the fuckface-in-chief’s tweets?

This whole book is so amazingly petty.


Here’s another choice bit from that Christie thread.

You’re a real big shot,” I yelled back to him, gesturing with one hand and holding my ice cream cone in the other.

Did Christie really think he’s the one that looks good in a story where he supposedly had to be stopped from assaulting a constituent that backed off by saying “just take care of the teachers”?

I’m an attorney, and I do Title IX law. Last year, I had to get some last minute continuing education credits, and signed up for one of those all day seminars. The second presenter was a female attorney who was presenting on how to defend sexual assault cases, and she actually bragged about how she could do underhand

A more dramatic way of heating the rails.

If you’re traveling around Canada, this is a common site. Most of our switches have natural gas heaters.

Alternate method for setting fire to railroad tracks: