Victoria Waterfield

I haven’t watched it yet; I’m waiting for the speedruns to show up on Youtube.

Surely David Letterman is available?

Never badmouth synergy, hulk6785.

BIG missed opportunity in this one for the Doctor to say I should like a hat like that”.

There is a Dwarf called Gróin, after all… he was Gimlis grandfather!

Joel Fleischman get iPad?

As soon as bubble wrap was first mentioned, I was hoping it would turn out to be the villain or monster, in a nod to The Ark in Space, but then the episode went on, and I rather forgot about it. So, I was really quite pleasantly surprised when it turned out that the bubble wrap was going to be the monster! …only to

Egypt already had about 1700 years of recorded history by Hatshepsuts time


Cartoons have writers?

I cant wait to read the chapter written by Sasquatch I like his style.

The Green Death crossed with Whacking Day, I thought - both of which did their respective bits of the story better.

Now playing

Or how about Draculas Tango (Sucker For Your Love) by Toto Coelo?

Now playing

I cant believe no one’s mentioned that spookiest of all Halloween-related tracks, Addams Family (Whoomp!)“ by Tag Team:

I got a Presidential Emergency Alert for THIS???

If Jonah wants to run a winning campaign, he’s going to need a lot of money. I’m talking, like, a FUCKLOAD of BREAD.

He went hard Republican once he found out about Rerun bootlegging that concert.

Also not nominated this year,

It really is a tough situa-doh!

That is,