
“The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect.....but we released them because you gamers have shown you will buy any broken piece of crap day 1 lulz. We wasted so much money on QA on RDR2 for no reason!

People get rich in pump and dumps all the time. It’s still a pump and dump and the current state of NFTs are exactly that. They may have their utility one day but today it is just scamming money from idiots who will be left holding the virtual bag of worthless .jpgs when they cant find another sucker to offload them

The fact that Bobby won’t just resign and live a great life on top of his giant pile of money tells you all you need to know. He needs to abuse those who depend on him for survival to get his thrills. A normal rational person truly believing they did nothing wrong would still step aside for the sake of the company and

Revenue doesn’t matter. On those quarterly earnings calls the gamepass growth is what will move the stock price. If you aren’t burning through capital to increase subscriptions on these services you are doing it wrong.

It was also partially crowdfunded as coming to Playstation.

Agree but Spencer being stuck in corporate speak mode isn’t helping the hopeful. It is all very bizarre and I have to wonder if Xbox doesn’t like the headlines with these statements that leaves the door open just a nanometer that other Zeni titles may go multi-plat even though any reasonable person knows it wont

I’m sure everyone was waiting for reviews and the only people who bought it are ok with being testers. Everyone is happy probably.

The lack of exclusives was because they dropped the ball last gen and thought watching tv on your game console was more important than games. They weren’t playing 4d chess by not making games. It was just a bad gamble. When both consoles have the same multi-plats of course exclusives are gonna tilt the scales. Now all

I know for a fact that I have seen channels that already had the count disabled. There must have been some algorithm penalty for disabling it I guess because I always wondered why everyone didn’t do it.

That one line about in video game review being taken so extremely is 100% a sign of an unhealthy relationship. There is no unfair opinion of a video game because that is how the review felt! It’s fine to disagree and write your own opinion of why the game has heart but spoiler alert. The people getting mad haven’t

You just described what this article is talking about. Wrapping up your self identity in a videogame so much that one line in a review upsets you. That mentality is what makes talking about video games seem impossible and why gaming will never reach the same level of respect of other art forms. Going into a review

It was one line out of a whole ass review. I read it and feel like I got a much better idea of what SMT is about as I have only played P5. If they didn’t I would have looked for more reviews that did. Was interested in checking it out but the fans have rick and morty’d it to hell and back. People need to chill.

The title of the article is literally “Marvel’s XCOM” which gives the completely wrong impression of the game. This is not xcom with a marvel skin it is something fundamentally different. It is by the developers of xcom but it’s not xcom. This isn’t some random reddit post. It’s a videogame website about videogames.

I dunno how anyone watched that gameplay reveal and thought it plays anything like xcom. They are both turn based and that is where the similarities end. By that logic Portal and Doom are similar because they are both first person games where you hold a gun.


Need a welfare check on red shirt guy asap

A lot for old games. As soon as I place my pre-order I’m gonna throw an online tantrum because they can’t get away with this. Teach those greedy fucks a lesson in being pro-consumer I will!

I also much prefer the big corporations who think the world is their fiefdom. At least couch your disdain for people in corporate euphemisms. Give me a sense of plausible deniability ya know?

Gonna go ahead and assume this was sarcasm

Pulling the slot machine for waifus is the fundamental mechanic.