Name a game that doesn’t have elements originally found in earlier games. You would have to go back to the birth of gaming I assume.
Name a game that doesn’t have elements originally found in earlier games. You would have to go back to the birth of gaming I assume.
Trying to squeeze every dollar they can out of the new gamepass players before the plug is pulled after Spiderman. Was there ever a Schreier level post-mortem on this game? There is no way it was developed originally as a live service looter. Even Anthem had more thought put into its loot and GaaS features.
BS. They know it’s not a good thing. That is why they do it. Anyone spamming chat with hate speech isn’t thinking this is cool and totally normal. Expecting a video game to teach people morality is ridiculous. Imagine going to any IRL event and someone was screaming slurs at everyone and the organizers said “maybe he…
Have a large human enforcement team and issue one strike perma bans. Anything less and your message rings hollow. No one needs a warning about not being a bigot. It all starts at the top.
It’s fine. Everyone who freaked out the last time the store was threatened bought all the old games they let slip their minds for the past 15 years. It’s not like Sony is gonna keep these servers open until the heat death of the universe. No digital storefront ever will. Was that ever really an expectation?
I like that this article goes from “Bethesda is running a slave labor camp for their audio team” to a quick note at the end that a small indie studio recorded twice as many lines lol. There is more than enough fuckery in gaming that you don’t have to manufacture controversy. Bobby Kotick is still breathing.
Their games would work well on streaming and would be easy to convert to Netflix IP. Still not sure games like this will increase subs in any meaningful way and a higher tier is a non starter unless they acquire way more studios and go AAA. Hopefully there are some good contingency clauses where the founders make a…
If 5% of the people asking for Titanfall 3 had actually bought Titanfall 2 we would be on Titanfall 6 Super DX edition by now.
I’ve haven’t looked into this drama because fanboys are always having drama but I can’t believe that original youtuber just measured the exhaust temp and called it a day lol. You don’t need to be a hardware expert to know that single datapoint is useless.
I actually rented this game ironically thinking I’d give me and my friends a laugh and ending up enjoying it unironically.
Truck-kun is perfect. You take that back right now!
You are a little late on the “gamers rise up” meme. We aren’t really an oppressed class you know. It was a joke dude.
Dunno what the FTC can do to help any of those things unless their responsibilities got massively expanded recently.
Gold. The edgiest of precious metals. Should have went with a respectable silver imo.
Also works for playing new releases early by “moving” to New Zealand. You don’t need to buy from their regional store for that purpose either.
Took forever for Achilles to finally give me the unlock. At that point I was rolling Hades pretty consistently so I think it was triggering story related dialogue instead of giving me what I want. Eventually I just kept intentionally dying quickly and he finally gave the the phrase. So keep at it if he is being…
Loved everything until the final chapter which completely changed the tone. They could have just cut that out and left the ending open. It’s a cop out many short films take to avoid a crash landing!
I’m still calling a campaign delay or it releasing in an obviously unfinished state that will get the standard “we hear you and value your feedback” response. I can already hear the fanboy posts of “lulz” countered by “it’s on gamepass so it’s ok, it was “free”.
I haven’t played this one but you think one of the two Hawkeye DLCs were better? I find that hard to believe.
There would be maybe 5 video games total if ideas only stayed with the original game or required “collabs”. Should every game with FPS deathmatch reach out to ID software and have a playable Doomguy?