If a developer ever says “we had to scale back so it will run on Lockheart” we may actually see a non-ironic Gamers Rise Up moment. A lowest common denominator that holds back next gen would be a PR disaster.
If a developer ever says “we had to scale back so it will run on Lockheart” we may actually see a non-ironic Gamers Rise Up moment. A lowest common denominator that holds back next gen would be a PR disaster.
The Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion is a killer deal. Locked in 3 years for $180 which is a steal. I always buy all the systems but Xbox will be my first next gen purchase now that I’m locked in. Played a ton of games I normally would never buy. Expanded what I thought I enjoyed.
Control launched at 1440p on X and 720p on base console. Are you referring to some other metric for X enhancements?
Don’t have much to add except Hunter X Hunter is also on netflix and is great all the way through. The manga is still ongoing but the anime ends at a satisfying conclusion that works as a series finale if they never make more.
The glowly balls give you Force/HP upgrades. They are listed under secrets on the map. There is one more lightsaber upgrade you get closer to the end of the game. The yellow chests are stims. Everything else is just differently colored skins.
Give me the prequel where fashionable Jedi explore the deepest depths of the galaxy to leave ponchos and paint cans for future padawans.
Great game but the cosmetic rewards are definitely lackluster. My inner conspiracy theorist has EA telling Respawn to cool it with cosmetics as a passive aggressive response to the backlash against micro-transactions.
He looked maybe 10ish during the final flashback I think he cant be more than 16 by the start of the game. He looks just like the actor who plays him at that age. He was on Shameless when he was not much older than that.
You want to be mad at these guys but they will continue to do what they do and we will complain while we hand them our credit cards. If I was him I would just say “Yeah we love China money. What you gonna do about it, NOT buy Diablo 4 lololol”.
They must have missed the “Minecraft : Baby Diablo edition” and
“Honey I Shrunk the Fortnite Clone” trailers. Shit was lit bro.
Same as streaming Netflix or any other video source. If you have a data cap its one more to add on the pile.
Absolutely. I actually watch Big Brother but this was the first season I paid attention to what was happening on the live feeds via live feed update twitter accounts. It was shocking to see the difference between what was really happening and the episode edit. Watching the winner stand on stage with confetti coming…
They are playing a game for a life changing amount of money. The players are naturally going to be hesitant about “causing a scene”. It should be on the producers to take that burden on themselves to enforce rules and kick someone off if need be without asking a contestant what their thoughts are. Placing that…
I’m Pokemon ignorant. Is there enough difference between the two to warrant buying the game twice? Seems like DLC with extra steps and $$.
I heard the Epic Store is spyware that sends your nudes to China. Steam on the other hand send you their nudes. Only if you ask first though because they are good guys.
Did they remotely disable the version you bought 6 years ago? That is fucked up.
My guess is this next year is proving it works before next gen consoles arrive. If they can get all the same multi-platform games with a few exclusives thrown in maybe they capture part of the market that doesn’t upgrade right away. You also don’t need their fancy controller any one works with a PC and you aren’t…
She should figure out why she takes someone not liking her work as a personal attack on her character.
They are gonna regret spending a whole bunch of money to satisfy people who were never going see it in theaters anyways. Guaranteed bomb new CG or not. Nerds need to complain like a fish needs water. Never give in to them.
Bioware was very good. I hope their IP’s go to some worthy developers. Press F to pay respects.