Kids today and their unrealistic expectations for Giant Fighting Robots. The intricate paint jobs alone wold cost them thousands of galactic credits.
Kids today and their unrealistic expectations for Giant Fighting Robots. The intricate paint jobs alone wold cost them thousands of galactic credits.
They should have created a Geforce Now competitor. I love streaming PC games I could never run myself on Nvidia’s servers and I still own the games on Steam if they the service gets shut down. Making a closed ecosystem cloud console just seems dumb. Did they even create some 1st party game studios for exclusives? How…
He didn’t break some obscure rule. Everyone knows cheat programs get you banned. Is Epic supposed to make two sets of rules depending on social media followers?! That’s how real life works I guess with the rich and famous so I guess I can’t blame popular streamers for thinking it should apply to them too. Maybe one…
Wouldn’t a real “I’m sorry” be accompanied by policy changes? Its like saying “ I’m sorry for punching you in the face, I was too rash. In the future we will still punch you in the face but express why we are doing it more clearly.”
Wonderful writing Heather. Not all games have the depth to warrant this level of writing but when they do the Kotaku staff nails it. Love this site and everything you guys provide for us!
Based on the books where he carries one and leaves the other on the horse because he’s not fighting monsters every 10 minutes like the game.
Discussing art is as old as human civilization. It is one of its main purposes.
How long is the campaign? I haven’t plays COD in years but they were usually pretty short. Weird choice to write a persuasive argument without finishing the text imo.
Given this games buggy history why would anyone pay for this on day 1? That’s not even a value judgement on the game itself. Just its literal objective history of server issues.
Harder for a publicly traded company to not try and make all the money. You have to show quarter over quarter growth or stock prices plummets. The natural conclusion is more and more mtx since game prices have stayed at 60 forever. That’s why Anthem can be a top 5 selling game and be a disappointment. With no more…
Crossing fingers that the delay is partially to remove the endless microtransactions they were surely would have done if Breakpoint had worked out.
Streaming may be new but it’s still the entertainment business. A lucky few will make it big and get the riches that come with fame. Most will grind out a living hoping to make enough to keep a roof over their heads.
At this point it’s the most dedicated fanboys who are left and Bethesda knows they will pay whatever is charged rather than admit a franchise they love made a bad game. When your self-identity is tied to corporate brands opening your wallet is therapy.
“Sure, I hate money” says corporations never.
At least they are being honest about waiting until the bulk of their sales are completed before telling you how they plan to nickel and dime you. Don’t want to spend 50 hours grinding for an attachment? Purchase this time saver!
You will never go broke taking advantage of the average Americans ignorance. These are the same people who will order a salad and smother it in ranch and cheese and call it a diet.
Crass comment aside we need more info on why the addition of a brother is an issue. Does this franchise have some deep and complicated lore that this additional family member breaks? Very confused.
Its possible that the casters got together after seeing what Blizzard did and erred on the safe side independent of Riot. Being brave is great and all but all of the people supporting you aren’t gonna pay your rent if you get fired.
Jeez Google. Just prepare for release and stop with the nonsense quotes. If it works than you don’t need to convince anyone with silly statements. If Stadia is going to be a success it wont be because of early adopters who bought the kool-aid and pre-ordered the special controller.
Even if the mtx are just cosmetic the sheer number of them instantly makes the initial 60 dollar purchase feel devalued. That’s before the “time savers” they pulled out of the game at the last minute. Don’t buy any game that gives you the option to spend more money to NOT play the game. Creating a problem in grind and…