Viceroy Fizzlebottom

One thing me have always wondered about poly relationships — how people find time for this? Between work and kids, me and Mrs. Cookie barely have time to sit on couch and watch Broad City together. Do these people not have jobs? Me guess people without kids have lot of free time, and me not remember what that was like.

“o” and “u” are perfectly good letters you know

My true self would think bigger. Like assassinate Donald Trump.

Your true self sucks.

I can’t buy that Mr. Pink “survives” because he’s a professional when it’s very much implied that the police shoot him away when he leaves the warehouse.

You’re crushing it with this series, Sean. It simultaneously gives me something to live for while believing I absolutely won’t.

Yes, everyone admitted he has talent some directors can tap into, but now we’re defending, or even finding positives, in his performance as Jill?

Oh my god fuck off. You are seriously complaining about the article “spoiling” the trailer.

And still nobody’s picked up my screenplay Hug Wish :(

Old Finger!

In these dark times, where it is hard to know friend from foe, and when one is confronted with man’s duality in the face of great good and great evil, I find it somehow reassuring when I see someone like Weinstein, who is as thoroughly ugly on the outside as he apparently is on the inside.

Jeopardy coverage hasn’t been the same since the Kinjapocalypse

I strongly suspect this will be a very quiet comment section because ... well... this feature’s about dead by now.

I’ve paid more for worse pizza. With Little Caesars, you know exactly what you’re getting. Plus, if you’re camping, you can get a $5 pizza, put it over the fire for a few minutes, and you have a delightful treat.

Correct, he should be billed as “Oscar ceremony attendee.”

Jesus is fictional too.

The picture used for this article is not the picture I hoped to see

Counterpoint. Yes, I would like more kids in the hall

Now playing

Sure, “they” put her in a box. Kelly had nothing to do with it.