Viceroy Fizzlebottom

He’s funny. Humor is it’s own point.

Tig gave him the best opportunity any of these people have gotten. All he had to do was use it with honesty and grace and this would’ve blown over a lot faster and he would’ve been held up as actually brave and a demonstration of someone willing to own up to things and change.


not really about sex

These stories got plenty of pushback on Jezebel and old Gawker too. The reason why this one won’t is because there are actual substantiated claims made by real people. These aren’t the tittering giggling innuendos that originally accompanied these “stories” about Louis CK.

Because we actually liked our presidents back then and people were pissed when they got killed.

If Oliver Stone wants to be part of the important conversations, he should just get himself a Kinja account.

I’m very sorry for joking about a pyramid’s spiritual emptiness. I hereby retract this article.

That cat’s gotta eat, huh, Randall.

“visual effects”

For any full frontal of him that is required.

You mean they’re not hand-crafted by gummi artists who work exclusively in the medium of gummi?

Now playing

This was always my favorite scene in the original movie, the way it’s all lit by the stuntman on fire (James Arness played the human embodiment, being 6'7” and all)

“I wish this interview (which I enjoyed) had addressed the time Englund played an absuive miniature horse trainer!”

November 8, 2016

the cool thing about we’re back is how new york city itself is kind of the real main character.

Remember that classic episode of The Simpsons everyone loves? We’re stretching the joke out to an hour, adding Morgan Spurlock and plenty of new Simpsons humor to it!

RIP, Savage Love comment section.

What about the time the holodeck’s safeties broke and Data got overwritten with Andrew Dice Clay?

But in another, more accurate sense, fuck Kinja.