Viceroy Fizzlebottom

Two words: Reverse Vampires.

I suspect there’s nothing you guys can do about it, but the “Recent video from the AVClub” autoplay that is embedded in the features makes it hard to read these features.

I’ve always dug the youtube videos and stuff embedded but there’s just a lot of focus on linking to other content and it’s kind of overwhelming.

“My hair does not require trimming, you lunkhead.”

Yeah, it’s been a while but I’m pretty sure you can hear him being shot to death in the background, after the mexican standoff but before the police break in.

What’s up your craw, Punk?

You’re probably right. It’s all in the execution. It could be good. Idk, I’m just so worn out.

You know, no. The Kids In The Hall was, in my book, one of the greatest of all time. It had its own unique voice, and it was rare and brilliant and wonderful. It was something that shaped my own sensibilities because I watched it when it was a kid. But no. It had its time, and that time was over a long time ago.


Got it: Alcohol.

The best thing about this is knowing Kevin Bacon’s twitter avatar is Roger Smith wearing a fake Kevin Bacon nose.

Great write-up.

And nickles had pictures of bumblebees on em?

She is so astonishingly dumb. Some of the shit she’s said just defies belief.


What if instead of being about The View, it’s a sci-fi comedy multi-camera sitcom ala Alf, except the alien is a parasite? Then we could have an endless supply of celebrity guest stars! And he’s trying to make himself Emperor of Earth but keeps getting sidetracked by nonsensical human ideals like Q-tips and date

For a moment after reading the headline, I thought it might be something in the nature of “Wonder Woman meets Vomiting Kermit”.

“I like cheese”

Ditto. I mostly dig the show but that episode was red meat for some really annoying people.

We’re through the looking glass here, people.

They had no choice, but yeah, it just ain’t the same no more.


Helicopter shot of 20-something Bev driving a red convertible across bridge into Derry while Semi-Charmed Life plays in the background - or GTFO