
Talk to your vet.  Sounds like a URI to me, he/she may be able to give some liquid antibiotics to mix in with soft food for the feral kitty.  Make sure you remove shoes when you come in the house till outside kitty starts feeling better, you can bring it in on your shoes.  

back in my late teens I was living with a beautiful black cat named Retro. He used to love sitting on top of the fridge and doing flying attacks all teeth and claws onto the heads of anyone he didn’t like passing by. He HATED my ex, should have listened to the cat, lol

if anybody could get within 10 feet of the stupid thing we would. He’s got a little harem going. I’ve tried trapping him and his girlfriends, much as i curse him, apparently he’s had that tried before and has learned. Have friends with farms in Arkansas, would happily rehome him if i could. At this point i’d be happy

I’m sorry you lost your pet. Unfortunately, the former tenant of our house decided to have a backyard rooster in Shreveport! Stupid thing runs around the neighborhood crowing at 2AM. I have a bounty out on it, first person brings me that rooster dead gets a full chicken dinner however they like it, and i promise not

During my first marriage, made spaghetti and marinara during a camping trip. Being the little airhead i was at the time, forgot twice that i’d already added garlic to the sauce. two full cloves of garlic later (to about 4 cups of sauce) we decided that the spaghetti would be better left out for the raccoons. Spent the

try using extra pillows to raise your head and belly, leave space for your yayas in between the pillows. Inside boob trench :)

wash your hands with toothpaste takes the smell right off your hands

   rescues will notch an ear to show they’re spayed/neutered. Very common with catch/release programs, saves them having to go into surgery unnecessarily

can I suggest a different way of doing this? You have the nutrition knowledge, you don’t feel comfortable with meal planning?  Start off with one of those meal delivery sites, do a month or two just to get comfortable with it, then start making and freezing meals in advance for yourself.  The more you do this, the

EXACTLY! I bought a my buddy doll for my son, his grandpa decided to watch Chucky on tv, kid went in to sit with granpa, my buddy doll went into the trash immediately after. Kid wouldn’t even walk into the same room with the doll till I got rid of it.

The best advice I was ever given, just after my divorce. Remember, it took the length of your relationship to get to this point.  Don’t expect to stop healing in less time than it took for you to hurt.  Be good to yourself, give yourself time to grieve and heal

  You did NOT fail him.  You did everything you could to help him, including giving him a good death without pain.  I know how hard this is for you, as a  former vet tech, and owner of many many pets, I’ve been through too many euths to count.  It’s the hardest decision a pet parent has to make, I know how heartbroken

I’ve been in a rotten mood all day, that comment just made me lol. Thank you! You’ll receive the bill for all that brain bleach at a later date!

I lived for years in the French Quarter. Every Mardi Gras the police would round up “undesirables” ie street musicians, beggars, homeless, anyone who didn’t look like they were rich or tourist. Charges usually consisted of blocking sidewalks (for walking down the street) one friend even got arrested for molesting a

They’re worth having regardless of the world situation. Sun dried tomatoes cost a fortune. Can pick up a bunch at a farmer’s market for a song and make em yourself. You’d be surprised how much fun a dehydrator is

hubby and I wait till just after thanksgiving, grab the on sale turkeys, break them down and smoke them. Toss in the freezer for quick meals, gives a nice change from our usual diet of pork and chicken.

two of my relatives have had bypass. Both say it changed their lives in a good way. STICK TO THE DIET AFTERWARDS!!! That seems to be the most common causes of trouble after. Good thoughts and wishes to you for the surgery

turkey rice and collard green soup sounds wonderful! Can I suggest a quick smoke on the left over turkey? Works wonders to just add that good smoke flavor to greens :)

There’s a local place here in Pgh, am sure Pinkham knows it (Bucca de Pepo) one of their party rooms has the Pope’s head in a large plastic box that spins. We spent the entire meal spinning the “zombie pope” trying to not have him staring at us during our meal.

When I was in school, one of the surgery classes overdosed a patient (dog) on anesthesia. The doctor and CVT there teaching the class worked on saving the dog while the entire class ran out into the hallway to pray!!!! So glad it wasnt my class, or my dog