
there’s one downtown. Only one i’ve ever seen

I have to agree with you, Monday after easter is the best time for us! Hubby and I have agreed it should be a pagan holiday, 1/2 price candy day!!!

Most of these stories are very descriptive of the job i have now. On antidepressants because of my damned job, constantly being berated for things my co workers do, i quit and allowed myself to be talked into coming back part time. I am now regretting this decision, but staying to keep my insurance. Spend most of

Are you a vet tech that's a common occurrence for me:)

I'm a vet tech in the town this happened in. Dogs and cats are considered property under the eyes of the law. Had this waste of skin been refused by that vet, she'd just have gone to another one. There is no way to prove ownership of a dog or cat to keep this from happening. Good vets just do their best to make

I have that tattooed on my left arm. Hubby dearest has the birdhouse on his sternum love it!