
Someone should set up a redirect service.  Call out of state and they’ll connect you to your in-state party.

Yeah, I’ve got these and I know I didn’t pay $160 for them. If you’re in the market for these, wait and watch their prices for a few weeks, there will be a deal somewhere.

Yeah, I’ve got these and I know I didn’t pay $160 for them. If you’re in the market for these, wait and watch their

These are great for working out. I wear them when I’m riding my indoor trainer so that I can hear whatever show or spin class I’m watching without having to turn the volume on the TV up to 11. Everyone else in my house appreciate its.

These are great for working out. I wear them when I’m riding my indoor trainer so that I can hear whatever show or

I’ve used the first version of these for 4 years and switched to this updated version recently. Sound quality is great and being able to hear vehicles while running is what I really appreciate about these.

I’ve used the first version of these for 4 years and switched to this updated version recently. Sound quality is

I know this is a sponsored deal but holy crap that’s not a good price at all. Last month, Best Buy and eBay had them new for $110 and in February Office Depot had them for $115 and QVC had them for $120. Keep waiting and check SD if you want an actual deal on them. Even Kinja deals has had better deals on these most

I know this is a sponsored deal but holy crap that’s not a good price at all. Last month, Best Buy and eBay had them

I work in IT, and I’ve already told my boss that if our systems get hacked I’m quitting on the spot. I have zero interest in spending three months to replace every single piece of compromised equipment. Especially since several of our sister companies have been hit in the last six months. Worse yet is that I know

It’s going to come down to

Yeah all the women who this will effect, how’d that work out for you?

So basically, remember the lessons you (should have) learned in kindergarten. Be nice. Respect other people’s space. Don’t push in line. Follow the rules. Clean up after yourself. Etc.

I think any bit of rational thinking has left the building. It was scarce while he was in the White House, and now it’s just gone. They’re pledging their loyalty to a toxic narcissist who has been publically (he would think of it as) embarrassed on the largest stage there is, and his hold on reality is now like trying

dont forget skilled
at least caffery new how to do shit and I don’t think he ripped off the elderly.
Also I think this is the first time ive seen someone reference white collar in a long while

Came here for this. Buenos dias, children.

Should have gone with the Jeff Winger defense instead

“Shows such as Suits led John Lambert to believe he could ‘practice’ at being a lawyer by performing tasks that he believed would be beneficial to his customers without significant risk, just as the character ‘Mike Ross’ in ‘Suits’ practiced law without a law degree or license and kept that secret without penalty,”

Playing holochess against a Wookie is a good way topop your socket,”  if you know what I mean.

So, it’s Star Wars and this seems like it might be a little too “gritty” for the franchise, so I’m just going to go with the answer that they’re clones and they don’t want them to reproduce or even have the urge to, so they’re all essentially eunuchs and they blow off steam by playing holochess.


Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.

“But you know what?” she offered. “What if you live in the same neighborhood as someone [you break up with]? And you’re at the same grocery store? Breaking up is never easy, so while work does add dimensionality to it, it’s complicated no matter what.”

I almost always send single texts with multiple sentences vs separate texts for each sentence. Maybe this makes me an old, but I prefer receiving texts this way as well. I hate hearing my phone sound off three different alerts for what is essentially one text/thought from a friend. I feel the long text with proper