
Because bullshit like this should be reported everywhere.

The FCC’s jurisdiction over content on the public airwaves does not extend to the Internet, full stop. This is not even a close question. The Supreme Court made that clear in ACLU v. Reno, the decision that threw out most of the CDA.

“We’re here today to defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history, frankly,” Trump told reporters on Thursday.”

I like that he complains about these companies violating free speech (which is something that is almost impossible for a private company to actually do) while threatening something that is actually a textbook example of what would be a 1st amendment violation. 

You know what I would love? If Trump loses the election, and doesn’t try to pull some kind of fuckery and leaves the White House like he’s supposed to, I would love it if he tweeted something really inflammatory and then promptly got banned because he’s no longer the president. That would be just delicious.

Remember, Trump’s base loves him because he hits the people they want to hit, like families of combat veterans and women who die of tragic accidents.

I feel like even if you explained to Trump that holding the RNC as planned in Charlotte could potentially decapitate the Republican party weeks before Election Day, as party leaders, elected officials, political consultants, hardcore supporters, etc. gather from around the country in a single location in tightly

I prefer its predecessor, the Volvo L337.  That thing really pwns.

Furminator all the way. It made living with a shepherd tolerable. I was swiffering daily and still not keeping up. 

Furminator all the way. It made living with a shepherd tolerable. I was swiffering daily and still not keeping up. 

Drop whatever that is you’re fiddling with and write a novel IMMEDIATELY.

The snozzberries taste like snozzberries

If Warren goes to the cabinet, Democrats lose a seat in the Senate (Massachusetts has a Republican governor and still will for a few more years at least.) I think her protege Katie Porter should get a big role instead.

I think you meant, “noiice.”

“Let me start this newsletter with a story about Pizza Arbitrage.”

“In normal circumstances, the OP8 Pro’s color filter (right) can’t really see through clothing.”

Or you end up with carnivorous zebras. Which is just in line with how this year’s going anyway. 

Hello, I’d like to file a goddamned complaint.