
“The American” at the end is a teleported Hopper, right? After all, no (remnants of a) body, no death.

Half? I think you mean 35-40 %

The essence of a great idea is that it’s so simple you can’t believe you never thought of it before

I like this

I felt the same way with the Skyrim soundtrack. There was a moment when I was travelling at night and I looked up over the mountains, seeing high clouds and an incredible star field, that I just stood there and let the music and view wash over me.

Now playing

Was just revisiting the Riven soundtrack a few days ago. The ambient score for that game is so perfect at building the atmosphere in that game.

Now playing

The two games that comes to mind where I actually stopped playing to listen to the music would be (the first) Mirror’s Edge and Transistor. Honestly, the hum button alone in Transistor made the game well worth the price!

NO self respecting Borg Cube would have this sack of meat in its inventory.

I was thinking, “An unexpected death in Mother’s family, necessitating her to leave DC unexpectedly, giving our God-fearing VP with some free time to don his leather mask and anonymously return to his favorite DC kink bar.”

Bears :: Beets :: Battlestar Galactica.

I just reached my limit with this last episode. I’m not saying that we have to see June pick up a gun and lead a group of commando handmaids into battle with the forces of Gilead but if we don’t get to see some small victories and successful acts of resistance then many viewers are going to switch off. There’s enough

My sentiments exactly. 


Merciful god. This is insane.

Kids in cages. Concentration camp cages. Some now dead. Others suicidal. He doesn’t just defend this, he promotes it. Spit away!

Troy and Beyonce In the Movies.

Fucking. Just. We’re all talking about lightbulb passwords. And it’s perfectly normal and understandable. Fucking. What.

Holyshit sploosh. 

Early on, Han Solo uses a lightsaber to cut open a Tauntaun...

citation needed

I always thought it would be a great character turn for Jessica to be an even bigger Cap fangirl than Coulson. I’d love to see the Avengers and Defenders meet and she’s just super mooney over America’s Ass. The rest of the Defenders just stand there, jaws on the floor, unable to reconcile the tough as nails Jessica