
Elizabeth Hurley is like 53 and still smoking hot.  She might even be hotter than ever.  God damn.

I think it is hard to blame companies for not wanting to send their female employees to Georgia. What if, god forbid, one of their pregnant employees miscarries, and these dolts refuse to do an abortion because the fetus “might still be viable”? Or their employee gets charged with murder for miscarrying? Gets raped

Do we still care about people (or characters) being gay or straight or whatever? Cause I’m kinda over all that. They seemed happy and friends and cared for each other. It’s 2019, can’t we just move on?

It might be technically inaccurate to call the pair a “gay couple” in the traditional sense of the phrase, as it’s not explicit in the text and we don’t know how Good Omens’ otherworldly beings identify in terms of their gender or sexuality.

Middle-out compression.

This sounds like the inspiration for a Chris Simpsons drawing

I won’t even travel across a king size bed for sex. You roll to me. 

Nemesis isn’t good, but I must admit it’s not “doesn’t exist” bad for me. The only Trek film that I hate that much is Star Trek V: What Does God Need with a Starship?

When Millennials complain about anything, I remember that when I was a kid, they killed the horse. RIP Artex.

I always look at my dog and keep repeating “he’s a Quincy, he’s a Quincy, he’s a Quincy, he’s a Quincy.....because he’s a Quince”

Part of me thinks he swooped down, saw Dany with the sword in her chest, and just assumed the throne did it cause he doesn’t understand how swords work.

It's also a great step up for a spin-off titled Arya's Stabbing Adventures West of Westeros.

I guess Arya sails to Valinor, leaving all the other losers behind.

Well you tried Sam. 

I was born on May 25, 1975, EXACTLY 2 years old when Star Wars was released. My dad was a pretty big George Lucas fan already (American Graffiti and even THX 1138) so they went on opening day with me in tow, tempting the fates. I swear I remember seeing it that day, but I realize that’s impossible. It could just be

Nope. I’m an antinatalist, largely on philosophical and environmental grounds, which really really upsets people, but the fact remains that knowing what I know now about where we’re headed as a species on a rapidly dying overpopulated planet, and my belief that what does not exist cannot suffer, means that I cannot in

Steve Martin is my all-time favorite actor (The Jerk is my all-time favorite movie.) This is one of my favorites of him and I love Ruprect. I’m also from Oklahoma, so sometimes I just dance around the room going, “Oklahoma! Oklahoma! Oklahoma!” (That woman’s accent is not Oklahoma, though, and especially not Tulsa.

I gotta say, as a kid, I loved Ruprecht (“May I go to the bathroom first?” is still a common quote in my family), but as I’ve grown older, I think I appreciate Caine’s fake-prince alter ego even more. The little snippets of dialogue delivered just can just IMAGINE how well that would work.

I LOVE the original, but I feel like it lost steam 4/5 of the way through. It picked it back up at the end, but I have no idea what needs to be done differently with the plot to pick it up a bit (maybe skip the whole “now it’s about SEX!” plotline?)