
Oh Chloe.... nooooo....

There are a fixed number of running Volkswagens. If you get one running another (in proximity) shall stop running.

I once had 14 VW’s between myself and 3 other friends, this theory has become gospel.

MAC filtering is just security through obscurity. Anyone with the right, easily obtained tools, can spoof an existing MAC by sniffing the wifi traffic. A randomly generated/unreadable password is hard to type in on most devices without a physical keyboard AND, if it never changes, is possibly a bigger security risk.

I agree with your premise, in my case it wasn’t that we wanted the other person to stay the same as when we got married but we both expected the other person and ourselves to change and that didn’t happen. Like there was one thing that I thought was a big deal at the time but I assumed that I would change and it

The only way my ex and I could have saved our relationship would have been to end it before we got married. The issues were small enough that we could ignore them for a while and everything would be good enough but after a while they became deal breakers and they were things that couldn’t really be changed. Biggest

Hacking a wifi password really isn’t that hard, right? How much more secure is “kadsdshskjhe832483$%#@*&^28959efdhehs” than “”

I, too, recently overhauled my home network. But I took that opportunity to carve out a guest WiFi connection that drops those connects off directly behind my “core” router with no access inbound - not even for DNS lookups. It’s got a complex-but-easy password that I change kinda regularly (monthly or so). That way,

That’s OK.

Yes. One card is for gas points (3x), one card is for grocery points (4.5x) and everyday use, and one card is for dining and travel (3x).

i remember and loved this easter egg.

Now playing

RIP. Interestingly (and appropriately) his programming was on radio stations in the game Prey (2006).

Teacher from her school here. Her rapist WORKED FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICT, a fact that makes me need to scream into a pillow with rage. My first day of education classes our professor warned us that no one with a felony would ever, EVER be able to work in schools. WHAT THE HELL. So disgraceful. Mujey was bright and kind

It wasn’t my boss that tried to fuck me over, but:

This is long, but it feels good to share:

Working as a full time non permenant (no health benefits and they can fire me for any reason) State Resource Coordinator for Oregon Department of Administrative Services, I was curiously asked to assist a few DOJ employees with hot cold complaints (that’s what the rude guys at facilities called it when they didn’t

Twenty years ago, I had a corporate job and my boss showed savings in her annual budget by factoring appropriate raises into the budget, then delaying their implementation for months. Because she was the chief Legal officer, HR would not intervene when I complained after my increases were delayed 3,5, and 7 months

Wiping. Down. Countertops.

Meanwhile in Melbourne...