
As I broke the news of the FBI raid to my roommate, the clouds literally parted in Chicago. He and his friend looked at me, looked out the window that was now filled with sunshine after a snow-filled morning, and said, “Oh my God. Is it happening?”

No worries, you do you! But when you’re throwing a neighborhood party and have borrowed a few crock pots to keep the various foods warm keep these babies in mind.

Nonsense. It’s just that soaking them in the wrong thing is pointless. Regular dish soap is a surfactant. That basically means it makes bubbles and that makes things slippery. It’s good for grease and oils, but it separates in the water and doesn’t do much else. Dishwasher soap is different, especially the older

The trick (I’ve found) is to soak a stubborn dish in hot water with a dishwasher soap pod dissolved in the water, typically overnight.

If it’s after 6, I’m in a tuxedo. What am I, a farmer?

Because of some bullshit health issues last year I had to cancel my trip home to see my family at Thanksgiving. I was disappointed and sad, I’ve not missed Thanksgiving with my family in, like, ever, possibly. So I was starting a good mope and my boyfriend looks at me and said “This is only a tragedy if you let it be.

Well, they are no longer blue jeans for sure.

This is a fart-sniffery kind of way to say the episode where this happens:

Nog: (trying to tag the runner): What do I do?

Was a lot of fun.

Fun fact. The dude who played Rom was a minor league baseball player and — by far - the most skilled actor there. He had to work to pretend to suck.



Exactly as a platinum for Marriott I have called the day of in the morning and said “hey can’t make it due to blah blah” and have them say ok sir no problem due to your status with us there will be no fee”’re not a cop, right? IF I ASK YOU HAVE TO TELL THE TRUTH.

Seriously, what is this collective amnesia we all have about him promising Mexico would pay for the wall?? Why does nobody ever challenge this?

Pretty sure the past 24 hours has been way too stressful regarding political news. However, I got good news on the pet-related front and it turns out the dog we thought had some potentially life threatening organ enlargement last week has none at all. So for a bit of good, I’m sharing our Miracle Dog Buckley.

This guy agrees.

counter-counterpoint: as a human that touches all kinds of dirty stuff throughout the day, possibly including your private area, just wash your hands. It takes a minute. It’s okay to clean your hands even if there’s not piss on them ;)

Cats are crafty though:

Probably was. The rope’s only attached on one side.