
But does this REALLY turn the 5G off, or just disable that interface?

The super-stable folks over at Redstate are either devouring each other in the comments sections for this news, or they’re turning the conspiracy-speak up to eleven and debating whether Sidney was fed bad data by the DNC/communists/brain-slugs to set her up to fail, or whether she has been a pod-person imposter this


Jean-Luc Picard

Honestly, this is why I just slow cook a turkey breast roast for Thanksgiving now.


The HDHomeRun Prime can handle stream unencrypted cable channels through Plex.
Back when I actually had cable TV, I used a cable card from Comcast plugged into my HdHomeRun Prime to stream live TV through Plex (and record).

I think age also factors into this (unfortunately, not consistently).
As I’ve gotten older, my eyes definitely appreciate a larger screen.

I did end up crying during both of their speeches.

Sounds legit.

It may have more to do with the fact that polling hasn’t really grown with the population.

Game of Thrones.

Me too.

He's probably a little butthurt that COVID (he'll internalize that as "China") kept him from being invited to the G7 summit as a guest of Trump so he could worm his way back into the international community.

I keep wondering about that.

I mean, I’m not saying I’m not going to stress-eat an entire plate of brownies between now and the end of the week, but I’m not NOT saying that either.

What an outrage. :|

No, it doesn’t quite work that way.

Ugh... the way this year has been going, I fully expect Trump to win re-election, and the Senate to stay in the GOP’s hands, and the House to revert back to GOP control.