
“I can't give you a tab unless you order somethin'."

I’m stuck trying to figure out what secret message Ariana is trying to communicate in her tweet.

My life insurance is for settlement of my debt, and for my siblings, my godsons, and my cat.

“Your Honor, I submit that counsel for the plaintiff is very focused on looking backward. My client is very interested in getting out of prison as soon as he is not committing any armed robberies... and by the way, he cannot wait to visit the plaintiff’s store again.”


Commentors over on are losing their minds... “how is it that only Republicans are coming down with the ‘China flu’, huh?”

The TNG poster has a TOS-era communicator.
The value of the entire endeavour is therefore nullified.

After the fucking drama-llama season finale that this year has been, 2021 had better be chill as FUCK.

Fuck that bottle of vodka is looking REALLY good right now.

I’m torn between not wanting to live through any more of this, and wanting to know so badly how this entire shit-show turns out.

Oof, that’s a corner that should not be cut for cost.

It’s mac’n’cheese for me.

For anyone else who watched the Canadian sci-fi series Continuum, are you also a bit wary of a wrist-mounted health-monitoring system named “Halo”?

I remember that dread I felt on the morning after election night in 2016.
For as much of a shit-show as this year has been so far, repeating that feeling this November is something I’m legit terrified of.

I think part of the underlying issue is that younger generations are leaning towards the “someone else will save me” mentality more and more.

I’m honestly considering this model for my next daily driver, but I’ve never owned or driven a Mazda.

I can’t imagine this would survive if challenged in court.

Wow! What incredible lifehacks!

When I die, I want to continue as a dedicated guardian angel for corgis.

I truly would not be all that shocked if she was asked to step down by the administration.