
All those cigarettes plus the strong implication that Hawke isn’t super diligent in this showering schedule? That apartment was a metric ton of funk.

My ear prefers it somewhere in the hazy space between “tewer” and “tore.” Closer to “tore,” but with more u. 

Send me the Woodford. I’ll find it a good home.

No shit, I gotta admit this: as an “impressionable” 14 year old watching “Reality Bites” and thinking that Winona and Ethan Hawke were soooo cool with their constant chain smoking, that is a contributing factor to why I started. It’s so ridiculous, but true. As a non-smoking adult all I can think about is how

Ahh, smoking and old Hollywood. From the movies alone, where glamorous people burn through two or three cigarettes per scene, you just know everyone and everything stunk like an ashtray from at least the 20s through the 70s. I personally recall every other friend I had in the 80s lived in a stank-ass house or

The Nun 2: Nunya Business

Don’t start Nun, won’t be Nun.

“Whose opinion are you going to take more seriously?”

Ms. Rife - would it have fucking killed you to write “production company A24" the first time you wrote it, so I didn’t have to google it to know what the fuck you’re talking about? I thought maybe it was a film festival I hadn’t heard of or something. Professional writers should be scrupulous about this sort of thing,

My God, the comments section is positively rife with some pretentious, shallow narcissists who are CLEARLY better people based on the movies that they like. Jesus, you lot are insufferable

I certainly hope that you feel all superior after writing that, you smug, self satisfied pompous ass. I can’t believe that you validate your narcissism with something as shallow as your taste in movies.

For a movie writer, you sure are naieve about the business. Solo making 300+ million does not mean its covered its production. Studios do not get dollar-for-dollar; opening week of blockbusters its at best a 50/50 cut with theatres, for big movies can command more. So it’s incorrect to say just because it’s grossed

as the Hitler he conjures is a “Polynesian Jew,” as Waititi himself described it.

Average people are sheep. They are easily manipulated.

It’s a measure of if the movie met audience expectations. It’s a bad metric for films that aim to be subversive, like all the A24 movies outlined above.

Most other industries are not art forms. You listen to a professional engineer because he understands the laws of physics, which are immutable and fairly well-understood. But if a critic says he hates a movie, and you watch it and like it, you aren’t wrong.

At no point during that video did I hear either man say “no homo”.

Yeah Mr Mansplainer over here does actually have a point in that The Greatest Show on Earth did use the costume first. And I don’t know if he was lying about those interviews, but if he wasn’t then that would be understandable to think it was based on that. It’s totally possible that Spielberg mixed the two up in an

We can’t see the previous comments, but it’s not clear that Deborah was actually the costume designer for Indy until later; when she first says “The question was right because I provided it”, I at first took “it” to mean the question to Jeopardy, not the costume to Indy. This appears to be just one person

The facts support him more than her. Which is weird. I am not saying she is wrong about which costume inspired her, but her comment regarding the timeline of Heston’s character are flat out incorrect.