
Wow, proof that the period-piece / biopic/ oscar-bait style will dull the edge off of ANYTHING.

How the hell do you fuck up a story about a poly threesome with S&M elements featuring Rebecca Hall and Bella Heathcote?

We believe that there are instructive similarities and important distinctions between the formations of environmental injustice experienced by sexual minorities and by racial minorities in the US. Historical-geographical studies have revealed the contextual dynamics of oppression that have subjected racialized groups

who’s this “we?” i have hated tarantino from day one. everything you listed plus playing a rape scene for laffs in pulp fiction = not down with his bullshit. never. ever.

I don’t think so. tarantino does not hide his flaws. He broadcasts them openly. This is a guy with a well publicized foot fetish who wrote a scene where salma hayek shoves her foot down his throat.
We were ok with him manipulating her into quasi prostitution on camera, and we just out and let him say the N word as much

I may stand alone in thinking that Franco is doing a remarkable job. Vince is completely believable as a character, and Frankie may be one dimensional, but is well played.

Username/comment synergy moment here, but there is no effing way that gal in the bar was getting a usable image with that camera in that low-light setting. Not without a flash or a tripod to allow a slower shutter speed.

They definitely needed some free advertising. I’d never even heard of this MacDougal’s place until Rick & Morty brought it up.

Also, saying a cult fan following are all self-entitled assholes is a ridiculous meme that’s being perpetuated. It’s a very popular show. Because the alt-right is a thing, a small percentage of those fans will be alt-right types. They were vocal, and the creators called them out for their bullshit. That doesn’t mean

For real though, why only send 20 packets per store? The whole artificial scarcity thing? The concept behind the promotion wasn’t inherently bad, but it’s pretty predictable people will be upset when you have limited locations and only 20 of the item to sell. I don’t understand the corporate thought process there.

The black hole stuff was absolutely my favorite part of the film. And the idea that love is this immeasurable thing that can transcend space and time is the exact sort of hokey feel-goodery that I can get behind.

A lot of people have already covered the biggies for me: Total Recall, Ex Machina, Event Horizon. So I won’t beat those dead horses.

Event Horizon is actually aging quite well, its more highly regarded today than when it came out. Sam Neil is spectacular.

Yes, Interstellar was great. I loved it. I say give it time. I agree with many of the choices on this list, but it’s by no means definitive. Like a lot of these movies, they need time for the public to soak in and discover their nuances.

Wow, you guys have gone full-on hipster with this list.

Wow. Interstellar completely snubbed? I think that one’s going to go down as one of the greats.

Lol AI is on that list but not Ex Machina? odd. I also find it interesting, on the looming sci-fi inspiration level how so many people in recent years forget or haven’t seen Metropolis.

Gattaca? The Prestige? Total Recall? 28 Days Later? Interstellar? The Martian? Ex Machina?

Yes, I’m definitely wrong for preferring something that actually entertained me over a muddled mess that had no idea what it wanted to be. Except depressing. It definitely knew it wanted to be that.

i'm sure this is a wonderful film, but I'd rather die than watch it.