
I’m glad somebody said this.  It was pretty much unwatchable.

I know I’m in the greys, so no one cares about my opinion. But just wanted to say I could not get into this. Felt like a bad indie romantic drama with a really bad indie horror movie awkwardly tacked onto it.

The defense attorney kept making a big deal about Kidman and the victim’s husband being questioned while potential subjects, but not being mirandized. My pretty strong impression of Miranda Rights is the police are supposed to give them when questioning a subject who is actually in custody (either under arrest, or at

it’s a variation, in some sense, on the way Nolan rearranged the chapters of his magnificent dueling-magician drama The Prestige to dazzle us with revelations.”

E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!

I’ll drive by it from time to time. It’s not completely in the sticks, but it’s a bit off the beaten path. And I always think “oh, right, that’s that middle finger guy”. I should watch this to find out wtf he’s so pissed about

I’m with Scotty. This is literally the first time I’ve seen Dracula mentioned as having a huge gay subtext.

The awful High Life is on the list and the Lighthouse isn’t? Thats crazy

And the ship hasn’t no auxiliary power for navigation or a way to abandon the ship. And why does it have so much algae?  I actually liked the movie, but when it comes to these kinda questions it gets a little iffy.  

Don’t be fooled by it being reviewed under “Home Video Hell”. It’s not a terrible movie.  It’s actually pretty good.  I liked it better than High Life.

until he insists on opening a brand-new toothbrush for her, rather than letting her use his.”

If my boss jerked off on me, I don’t think I’d go back to work for him.

You should wrap your mind around the fact that not everyone likes the same movies. And they can dislike a movie for any reason they want. Personal attacks because someone doesn’t like a Tarantino movie seems kinda dumb.

I should say that I’m just talking about the European Western Front. The Pacific War was just atrocities on top of atrocities. The Japanese usually treated prisoners, Western or other Asians, with mind blowing cruelty. And the infrequent times Japanese soldiers tried to surrender American servicemen weren’t generally

Be snarky if you want, but if American soldiers did the things Tarantino had them doing there would have been lots of American prisoners with their heads bashed in with rifle butts. That’s why they generally didn’t do dumb shit like that.  But if you’re cool with that, then batter up, baby.  

A stern talking to at least

Ummmm.... in the movie he was. I’m just talking about Inglorious Basterds and how it BS parts of it were. Of course I could be missing some deep genius nuance that Tarantino fans always attribute to him.  I have no idea how he feels in real life. Put the cap locks down man.

Not defending Nazis. Saying that advocating for American soldiers committing war crimes would be a really stupid idea with lots of nasty unintended consequences.  As bad as the Western Front was, it could have been much, much worse.  Read about some of the stuff that happened in the East.

And I know I’m late to the party on this, but I have to say it. In Inglorious Basterds, if 1940s film stock was some combination of nitroglycerin and gasoline, and the theater had 100 tons or whatever of the stuff stored in it, I’m guessing Hitler’s security team would have removed it instead off having the entire

I’m reluctant to disagree with an obvious WW2 scholar, but I’ll give it a shot: