
I liked the movie. Didn’t mind the scene in question. But Jezus you gotta be pretty arrogant to lecture the family of a man you’ve never met that you know what he’d say or do better than they do.

When you say “functional crucifixes”, what are those? Like a cross big enough to crucify someone on it?

Jezus. Did a M(m)arine run your cat over or something? Guy wants a capital M and you’re ready to ship the lot them of the over to The Hague.  Lighten TF up Francis

So I think I missed a memo. Are we supposed to hate Marines now? Or is this “Marines are all war criminals because some guy said ‘Marine’ should be capatilized” just some contrarian Galaxy Brain BS?

Raping Okinawian women? Go F yourself and the moral high ground you rode in on.

So you think the armed forces of Imperial Japan had the moral high ground, eh?

What if people would pay big bucks to watch stars directly square off, their head-to-head games broadcast like boxing matches?”

Why do i bother with this site? A video of a family escaping a deadly fire and half the comments are self-righteous a-holes with little understanding of Christian theology crapping all over Christianity. Just can’t miss a chance to show your superiority, eh? And you claim Christians are insufferable.

I don’t she was saying the “save my family and let all those other fuckers burn” prayer.  

As I watched the video, I wondered how far down into the comments section before we got the anti-religious posts. Not very far apparently.

Is that scene in the movie?

The 761st Tank Battalion wasn’t an integrated unit. It was an African American unit with maybe some white office.

You never know what can turn someone off a movie. Nazi zombies? Sure, I like zombie movies. Integrated Airborne units in WW2?  Takes me out of it. (Shoulder shrug) Just does.  YMMV.

I didn’t see the interview. I’m sure he was fine in it. But coming onto a national late night talk show inexplicably dressed as a minor character from a 40+ year old war movie is a little eyebrow raising.  I actually like a Bridge Too Far and saw it again about a year ago and just vaguely remember the character he’s

Saw Honeymoon at a film festival a few years ago. Didn’t know anything about it going in. Pretty good movie, nice creepy vibe.  That’s all I got

I assumed you had to be Confirmed too to get the “Lapsed” benefit. But I know what you mean.

Not what I’m talking talking about. 

I don’t care what you don’t care about. You’re the sweeping, somewhat dubious, unnecessary generalizations about white women*.

I hear that.

You could have just looked her up and said she was raised Catholic. Plus on this site it’s pretty de rigueur to be all “White People!” even if that wasn’t your intention.